- Dance Box
- Interaction mode: Body engaging, dance (with activation points to refill coffee, turn lights on, and turn lights off).
- Intended siting: Indoor, spacious room, dark.
- Intended experience for audience: View a performance or interact directly. For example, in order to get a cup of coffee, you have to perform a dance.
- Theoretical underpinnings (what led you to this): Desire for movement, excessive amounts of energy because of being at home a lot. I find myself dancing around my house a lot, thought it could be interesting to incorporate that into my project.
- Relevance to you and your practice: Responsive environments are important to me, I find that they ground me in the present moment, something I struggle with. Recently I’ve been drawn to create work based around the present moment more than ever before.
- Updated drawing are below the text.
- Listing of needed materials: Four times 6’ 2×2 wood planks, Eight times 3.5’ 2×2 wood planks, nails, hammer, break beam sensors, adhesive (tape), lights/light strips strips (4) for each vertical part of frame.
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