Blog 02

For this blog, I decided to study the work of Michael Hansmeyer. Specifically, “Subdivided Columns – A New Order (2010)”. For me, the mixture of generative art and architectural forms have always interested me. Generative art and modeling’s ability to create unthinkable forms like the columns he created has been something I’ve explored on my own as an architecture student. I’ve experimented with creating unusual structures and forms that promote different feelings which I can connect with in his project, even if evoking different feelings with the columns was not a primary goal of his. I suppose that to create these bizarre forms, CAD softwares like GrassHopper. While it appears as if a column is put into modeling softwares and randomized, there is actually intentionality behind his results. Based on articles analyzing the project, the purpose of the exploration is to push imagination and create forms that inspires and activates further investigation into specific potentials of the forms with more intentionality, and with that, create these “subclasses” that create more variations of the column with certain constraints and desires.The artist’s artistic choices appears in the project in the forms of very complex geometries and symmetries.

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