Looking Outwards 02: Generative Art

Leander Herzog’s project “Radar” really captivated me in terms of color and movement. I admire the split screen of blue and pink, along with the asymmetry of the spiraling design. Another component I admire is how the new “spiral” is formed by the vertical edge of the pink spiral. I admire the split screen of color and asymmetrical design because it is mesmerizing visually, but it’s not too simple. I admire the creation of the new spiral from the vertical edge because the split screen tricks the eye into thinking that the spirals are created as a circle, but when you take a moment to look closer, the spirals are not full circles, but rather start as a semicircle and gradually pan out until they disappear off the page.

The only thing that I can identify in this project is the use of a loop, because the design is continuous and keeps generating new spirals that float off of the page.

The creator’s artistic sensibilities manifest in terms of color and shape. Herzog uses very contrasting colors, creating a pop in the eye and easy distinction between the two spiral sections. The shape is continuous, in terms of connecting between the two sections.

Leander Herzog

“Radar”, 2020

“Radar”, 2020
Another look at “Radar”


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