
In her artwork, Nimbes, Joanie Lemeecier and James Ginzburg attempt to capture the paradox of observation: how as we observe and understand more rules and truths in our universe we understand that we know less and even that through a different lens these truths no longer apply. These digital artists use 3D rendering to compute a series of images that consist of small individual pieces that occasionally relate to each other to create a recognizable image of a church or tree canopy for example before exploding. This disintegration of the recognizable, the observable, represents the limits of our understanding and how the truths we may understand as the image of a church are in fact irrelevant. I find their work particularly interesting because it serves as a reminder of the chaos that exists outside our collective and individual perception of the universe. 

Abstract Rendition of Tree Trunks
Abstract Rendition of Church Facade

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