
I’ve always been a little obsessed with the MIT Media Lab and how they manage to make a circle out of the venn diagram that is ‘things I like’ and ‘things you can learn.’ This article is written by a student in the process of using javascript as a CAD replacement. They start out with the statement that ‘a design is just a bunch of numbers’ which I find particularly interesting, even if I don’t always agree with it. I’ve always been more drawn to code that produces an output that I can physically sense, not just on a computer screen. Code makes a lot more sense to me when I can hear what it’s doing, or if it interfaces with microcontrollers and physical circuits. But seeing these examples of javascript directly correlating to CAD drawings, 3D prints, or similar physical outcomes inspires me to see what else is possible with this language, especially in 3 dimensions. I know how to “bit bang” 3D models to a certain extent, but automating & scripting them would certainly improve a workflow and allow for further experimentation and innovation.


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