Looking Outwards 06 :  Randomness

The work of MARK J. STOCK, the “The Yin and Yang Are Fractal #4” have inspired me with its random, dynamic motion that represents the concept of Yin and Yang in Tai Chi, which is a part of Chinese culture. It’s inspiring to see how the concept of Yin and Yang changing and interacting with each other in various layers and various sizes, and it gave me a sense of special beauty from the dynamic ink painting. The algorithms that generate its randomness also interest me with its simple code that forms the complicated structure and shapes of the art itself. According to Mark, the “color is passed from pixel to pixel in a regular grid using a very specific set of instructions.” The code generates randomness among pixels within a limited range, while it tries to adhere to a general shape, like a circle, at the beginning. Then the pixels randomly interact with nearby pixels in a certain range to create the art we saw. The creator’s artistic sensibilities manifest in the final form of random Yin and Yang interactions in the form of generated ink art, where Yin and Yang seem to be randomly blended together.

Videos: “The Yin and Yang Are Fractal #4” by MARK J. STOCK, produced in 2015

“The Yin and Yang Are Fractal #4” by MARK J. STOCK, produced in 2015
Link: Mark J. Stock (markjstock.com)

Link: Mark J. Stock (markjstock.com)

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