Generated 3D Scene

I am interested in David Mignot’s work in using python codes to generate a series of objects in Blender. The randomness is expressed through the random function to vary the type, height, and material of objects. Each time the function creates a different rendered scene that would take days to model by hand. David expressed his artistic sensibilities in attempting to control the randomness of variables so that the final result looks harmonic. It showcases how randomness needs to be controlled in computational art so that the generated work still looks “designed” rather than messy and purely random.

Generated scenes by David using inbuilt python codes in Blender

The work intrigues me in terms of creating generative art in 3d forms. Typically, Blender is used for 3d modeling individual objects for the CG industry. However, David opened up a new possibility in utilizing randomness to generate 3d scenes by coding, which might be a helpful method to create large repetitive scenes quickly.

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