Looking Outwards 06 – Mr.Doodle

The artwork I immediately thought of was probably anything by Mr. Doodle. The earliest memory I have of seeing his work was when he had a small Instagram following about 7 years ago. His artwork is comprised of drawing lines and characters seemingly randomly across a page, or really any surface. The only rule he seems to follow is that every inch of the surface must be covered. But I think is interesting about his work is how in his randomness, you are searching for something. Almost like you are looking for a character or a pattern or any type of regulation. I think this differs from other artworks because although his work has little characters and themes, the way he approaches these pieces is still very random. He has no plan or logic of what goes where and why. I think randomness can be blurry in the art world in terms of whether or not it is a justifiable reason for a certain design choice, but in Mr. Doodle’s case, he is using that randomness to his advantage.

Link : https://www.designboom.com/art/watch-mr-doodle-mansion-black-white-cartoonish-signature-10-05-2022/

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