week 7 blog

Kim Rees visualizes data related to the black lives matters movement. Some of their work includes showing statistics about economic inequality as a city with differently sized sky scrapers and data laid out in the form of the periodic table. Other topics Reez covers include environmental, education, government, health, politics, and technological data and statistics. Most of the work is in an attempt to invoke a feeling for the need to change our current capitalistic and exploitative system. After stalking Kim’s twitter you can really see how decade they are to their work and continuing the thought provoking work they create. One of my favorite projects was about health and the increase in the lifespan of people but the disparity between how accessible health care is and as a result the difference in economic status and health. I don’t know, it’s nice seeing the data visualized, it give it more of an understandable and easier was of being digested.

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