Looking Outwards 08: The Creative Practice of an Individual

Sands Fish’s website: https://www.sandsfish.com/
Sands Fish’s lecture video: https://vimeo.com/channels/eyeo2017/page:2

Sands fish is an Experience Designer that integrates technology to design services, interfaces, and experiences. He has previously worked with Nike to design an interactive game installation names the Joyride Experience along with MIT’s “Space Exploration Initiative”, working with NASA astronauts to design a musical instrument made to work in zero-gravity environments. Sands uses quotes, storytelling, and many visuals, other’s work that he admires, and transitions smoothly from one topic to another to present his work. Sands discusses a Futures thinking approach of thinking beyond the present and instead contemplating the possible, potential, and probable. A large emphasis of his lecture is discussing speculative design which is the idea of thinking beyond the systems, objects, etc. that already exist and asking questions. Sand’s presentation style is very effective and engaging due to the many visuals and examples he incorporated within his lecture. Since I want to be an Industrial designer, the concepts he raised and provoking design exercises, especially within the future of police are very intriguing to me and got me to think about design from a different approach.

This is one of the projects Sands discussed during his lecture. It is a speculative design concept probing the question “What if citizens designed the police?”

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