Looking Outwards 09: A Focus on Women and Non-binary Practitioners in Computational Art 

Creator’s Name: Toni Dove
Title of Work: The Dress That Eats Souls
Year of Creation: Feb 2018

This eerie yet beautiful piece of art is incredible to look at and the experience of interacting with it seems to be quite as impressive. While many concepts are spoken about through this dress with a robotic bodice, it explores our interaction with technology, so powerful, it has the potential to consume us and our experiences. When an individual stands in front of this dress, it mimics their motion, and POV video allows the person to watch through the eyes of those who have worn the dress and hear their inner thoughts. To create this dress it must not only be built physically to make certain movements but programmed to replicate the movements of others which is quite impressive.

Toni Dove works in New York to make interface technologies that create interactive performances. She has worked on many installations and she describes The Dress That Eats Souls as “an interactive cinema and robotics installation”


Images of the dress

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