Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Nicholas Clark
Our team plans to program our show using Pharos Designer 2 software.
We have been experimenting with Pharos Designer 2 software, its features, and some of the built in lighting effect options. It has some great standard options available. The challenge that remains is adapting these options and testing different settings to fit each of our emotions for our show.
We tested on the bridge on Wednesday night and recorded videos of each of the built in functions from Pharos ( These videos will be valuable for our work as we can use them to reference how the different effects will look on the bridge as we develop our show in Pharos. One major note of the testing was how different things look on a computer vs on the bridge. Most noticeably, things felt a lot faster on the bridge than they appeared on the computer so we can take that into account when designing. It was a lot easier to test and iterate on the bridge, so we will try to set up as much time to work with the bridge as possible.
Malfunction Effect:
Strobe built in effect might work well for the beginning of the show when things aren’t going well and there are “technical difficulties” with the emotions/the bridge.
We spent time on Wednesday night testing out potential colors and effects for Joy!
Yellow showed up pretty clearly on the bridge, so there are not too many worries about color as long as we use a bright yellow.
This was the first test for Joy as programmed on Pharos:
The vision was that this would be at the beginning of the Joy segment. After introducing all of the emotions and fading to white, yellow would move faster and faster from the center until Joy exploded across the bridge!
This was the first test on the bridge:
The effect felt too fast and unclear, so we iterated and continued testing on the bridge and came up with this second test for Joy:
The goal of this test was to show Joy’s personality more clearly. This test featured fast, excited motion and joy spreading all around until it filled up the whole bridge.
Future tests for Joy will include trying out the following built in functions: 2D burst, wave, 2D wave, sparkle, flicker, and ripple.
- Slowed down 2D burst
- Offset top and bottom so bottom goes first then top
- Trying to look like it is stepping forward
- After a few 2D bursts, on either end of bridge, white light fades in
- Burst creeps towards light, slower as approaches
- Once burst and white light “collide”, burst quickly goes back to of bridge, meeting the burst that was coming from the other side
- Use fireflies preset, but sped up a little with more lights to look like panic and running
- Goes back and forth between that and alternating top and bottom light fixtures to look like sweater vest
- Slow down of fireflies, slow in of waves first with fast waves, then getting slower like breathing is slowing
- Fade to black
- Slowed down Ripple of green on a black background
- Speed up and slow down effect
- Trying to demonstrate carefully traveling across the bridge
- Tiles of green in the center of the bridge, slightly moving left and right to avoid being static
- Fireflies of other colors bouncing off of the center green
- Random colors in blocks across the bridge
- Start with green block at the gates end of the bridge
- Move the green block to the right, growing the block as it collides with other green like colors
- At the other end of the bridge, reverse the direction and collect more green color
- Speed up the process until the majority of the bridge is green
- Wave at the end between shades of green after collecting all the green together
- Fade to black
- Entrance in Strobe: first white then red (lightening -> anger)
- fast 2D burst + burst (with widened strips)
- – first starting with burst, from left to right several times
- – then burst from right to left
- – lastly 2D burst from middle to two ends
- Wave
- Gradient Mesh
- Other colors fireflies – then red flicker – then fast red gradient mesh – then fast red chase (devour)
- Fade
- Slow movement across bridge of a pulsing blue ball until center
- Waves of blue from center

– Seems like we can use a lot of presets, but change slightly to fit theme
– Need to practice implementation in pharos
– Other colors? Or mostly just purples
All emotions gathering together:
Ripple might be a great effect here! It is a great way of filling up the bridge with dynamic motions and colors.