We worked on our wall mounting mechanism. A few photos are attached below. It took a surprisingly long time to make the boxes. Moving forward we’ve opted for velcro to mount the box to the wall, but the velcro hasn’t been delivered yet. As a result, the box doesn’t really have much connection with the wall (as seen in the first picture).

We realized we probably need some sort of supporting mechanism so the box doesn’t slump like it is here. We tried to add some support in this picture (it’s the triangle that’s attached to the wall under the box) but it wasn’t enough. We anticipate that even with the velcro instead of tape that we used its pretty likely we still need additional support for the box. I’ve attached a very quick sketch of our idea. It should provide a better idea of what’s happening in the picture above.
Support “beam” sketch
Overhead view (Jack’s prototype)
Sketch/Folding schematics
Dillon’s prototype. If the sketch is confusing hopefully this will help clear things up. The triangles that are formed are cut on one side and so it can be folded on along the side of the box that way it can be held together easier by tape.