The project I want to work on is a mechanism that takes a user’s movement as the primary input and abstracts it into the paint on canvas based on movement speed, sharpness, and direction. The output wouldn’t be paint splatters but a predetermined visual where the “sloppiness” or “cleanliness” of the strokes and color usage varies. The objective of this project is to understand how the variability of human emotion can be translated by a machine and whether the indirect action and separation of body/space provide an equally satisfying emotional release compared to the direct action of painting, etc.
Ideal Outcomes:

Related Project: EGO by Klaus Obermaier
The interactive installation EGO re-stages and reverses the process of alienation by enhancing and deforming the mirror image by the movements of the users. Although an abstraction, it quickly becomes the self and reestablishes the tension between the real and the symbolic, the Ego and the It, the subject and the object.
Related Paper:
Automatic Wall Painting Robot Using Arduino: This paper is helpful in describing the mechanism and system map of how the robot is built. However, the application is more focused on construction and interior wall paint which covers quantity rather than smaller technical paintings.
Borhade, Ashish & Patil, Ankit & Patil, Srushti. (2019). Automatic Wall Painting Robot Automatic Wall Painting Robot. 10.13140/RG.2.2.36414.64323.