Peer Review

Paper Reviewed: Development of A New Soft Robotic Module Using Compressed Air and Shape Memory Alloys M. N. Golchin, A. Hadi and B. Tarvirdizadeh. Development of A New Soft Robotic Module Using Compressed Air and Shape Memory Alloys. In 2021 9th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of. 517-522.
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Dunn’s Peer Review

DOI: 10.1109/HSI47298.2019.8942609 No  No Knowledge  Though not related to soft robotics on the surface. This paper is the foundation for more human-soft-robots collaboration and interaction. The main concern of human-robot collaboration is safety, as typical robots are made from hard materials, which can easily cause major damage to the human body. Soft, complaint materials, combined with
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Exercise 3: Peer Review

Paper: Huang, H., Sakar, M.S., Petruska, A.J., Pané, S., & Nelson, B.J. (2016). Soft micromachines with programmable motility and morphology. Nature Communications, 7. Referee Form: 1. Do you have any conflict of interest in reviewing this paper? No 2. Expertise. Provide your expertise in the topic area of this paper. 1 – No Knowledge
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Peer Review

Reviewer: Gia Marino Soft Electrohydraulic Actuators for Origami Inspired Shape-Changing Interfaces Purnendu, Eric Acome, Christoph Keplinger, Mark D Gross, Carson Bruns, and Daniel Leithinger. 2021. Soft Electrohydraulic Actuators for Origami Inspired Shape-Changing Interfaces. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New
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Exercise 2: Lateral Literature Search

Paper 1: Joyee, Erina & Pan, Yayue. (2019). A Fully Three-Dimensional Printed Inchworm-Inspired Soft Robot with Magnetic Actuation. Soft Robotics. 6. This paper details a 3D-printed, tetherless, inchworm-inspired soft robot using magnetic actuation for linear locomotion and crawling, with multi-material composition (magnetic particle–polymer composite and flexible polymer) achieving a stride length of 5mm, a
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Lateral Literature Search

Root Paper: An active guide wire with shape memory alloy bending actuator fabricated by room temperature process Mineta, T., Mitsui, T., Watanabe, Y., Kobayashi, S., Haga, Y., and Esashi, M.. An Active Guide Wire With Shape Memory Alloy Bending Actuator Fabricated by Room Temperature Process. Sens. Actuators, A, 97–98(1):632–637, 2002. Related Paper 1: Development
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1.25.23: Lateral Search Exercise

Following papers citing Dynamic Model of the Octopus Arm. I. Biomechanics of the Octopus Reaching Movement (Yoram Yekutieli, Roni Sagiv-Zohar, Ranit Aharonov, Yaakov Engel, Binyamin Hochner, and Tamar Flash. Dynamic Model of the Octopus Arm. I. Biomechanics of the Octopus Reaching Movement. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94(2):1443–1458, August 2005. doi:10.1152/jn.00684.2004.) To find these papers, I searched via DOI
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Lateral Literature Search

Source paper: Sun YC, Effati M, Naguib HE, Nejat G. SoftSAR: The New Softer Side of Socially Assistive Robots-Soft Robotics with Social Human-Robot Interaction Skills. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Dec 30;23(1):432. doi: 10.3390/s23010432. Root Paper: Laschi, Cecilia, Barbara Mazzolai, and Matteo Cianchetti. “Soft robotics: Technologies and systems pushing the boundaries of robot abilities.” Science robotics 1.1 (2016): eaah3690.
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