feedback loop

I borrowed Shakespeare’s Sonnet XIV and used to translate it into Chinese and English until it started to produce the same results.
I then recorded the translator reading me each iteration of the Traditional Chinese translation and layered them all on top of each other to show how the sonnet accumulated artifacts from untranslatable data over time.

Process: English -> Chinese (Traditional) -> English -> Chinese (simplified) -> English -> repeat

I am including each translation in this post.

Original Sonnet

Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck;
And yet methinks I have astronomy,
But not to tell of good or evil luck,
Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons’ quality;
Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell,
Pointing to each his thunder, rain and wind,
Or say with princes if it shall go well,
By oft predict that I in heaven find:
But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive,
And, constant stars, in them I read such art
As truth and beauty shall together thrive,
If from thyself to store thou wouldst convert;
Or else of thee this I prognosticate:
Thy end is truth’s and beauty’s doom and date.

Iteration 1

From Traditional

Not from an asterisk i judgment right;
however methinks i have & ASTRONOMY,
but not tell the good or evil things protection luck
as well as, dearths, or for all seasons quality;
nor can i to Fortune 500 company overview tell the,
touch to each his thunder, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should not be well,
by oft forecasting i find heaven:
but from thine eyes my knowledge i derive,
and continues to an asterisk, in their i read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together grow and thrive,
if from thyself storage Thou Shall Not wouldst conversion;
or by providing support for this i prognosticate:
thy end is honest and beauty of doom and date.


Not from the asterisk my judgment;
but I am i & amp astronomy,
but not telling the good or evil things the luck
dearths protection or all-season quality;
can also my Fortune 500 company overview tell,
touch to his each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should not
through the regular forecasts i found paradise:
but from your eyes, my knowledge I have
and will continue to have an asterisk I read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together to the growth and prosperity,
if from their own storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you ultimately is honest and beautiful doom and date.

Iteration 2

From Traditional

Not from asterisk my judgment;
but i & amp;amp & ASTRONOMY,
but not tell good or evil things protective measures of luck
dearths protection or all the season quality;
Can I of the Fortune 500 company description please tell,
tap to his each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be of a
typical forecasting i found at paradise:
but from your eyes, I know I have been
and will continue to have an asterisk i read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together in the growth and prosperity,
if from their storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.


Not from the asterisk my judgment;
but I & amp amp; ;amp & astronomy,
but not telling good or evil things protection measures on their luck
dearths protection or the quality of all season;
can I of the Fortune 500 company description please tell,
click to his each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven:
but from your eyes, I know I have been
and will continue to have an asterisk I read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together to the growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.

Iteration 3

From Traditional

Not from asterisk my judgment;
but i & amp;amp;amp;amp & amp;& ASTRONOMY,
but not tell good or evil things protective measures protective measures of luck
dearths protection or is a high-quality of all events;
I can be in the Fortune 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven:
but from your eyes, I know that I have been
and will continue to have an asterisk i read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together in the growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.


Not from the asterisk my judgment;
but I ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;& & amp; ;amp; ;amp astronomy,
but not telling good or evil things protection measures to preserve the luck
dearths measures to protect or high quality – all events;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes, I know that I have had
and will continue to asterisk I read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together to the growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.

Iteration 4

From Traditional

Not from asterisk my judgment;
but I;amp;;amp;;amp;;S&P amp;&Amp; amp;amp;amp;;;amp & ASTRONOMY,
but not tell good or evil things protective measures protective measures to maintain luck
dearths protection measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes, I know that I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together in the growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.


Not from the asterisk my judgment;
but I; ;amp; ;& amp;;; amp;; S amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;& astronomy, and
it does not tell the good or evil things protection measures for the protection measures to maintain the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes, I know, I have been
and will continue to be marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
of truth and beauty should be together to the growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and date.

Iteration 5

From Traditional

Not from the asterisk my judgment;
but I ;;& amp;;; amp;; S amp; ;amp; ;amp ;& astronomy, and
it does not tell the good or daredevil things protection measures for the protection measures to maintain the luck
dearths protection measures or high-definition – all activities;
I can in fortune magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes, I-I have been
and will continue to be marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be Together to the growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.


Cannot be removed from the asterisk my judgment;
but I & ;; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;; amp;; S amp; ;& astronomy, and
it does not tell the good or evil reasonable protective measures outside the protection measures to maintain the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to be marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be together to the growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.

Iteration 6

From Traditional

Cannot remove star my judgment;
but i & amp;;;;amp;;amp;;amp;;;amp;;S amp;;S&P amp;& ASTRONOMY and
it does not show up or evil things protection reasonable protection external protective measures to maintain luck
dearths protective measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be combined in a single growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and the “Date”.


Cannot delete star my judgment;
but I & amp amp;;;;;;;;;;;;; amp;; S S & amp; ;amp; ;amp; Astronomy and
it did not show or something reasonable protection to protect an external protective measures to preserve the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be combined in a single economic growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.

Iteration 7

From Traditional

Unable to delete an asterisk my judgment;
but i & amp;amp amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;amp;;S S &Amp; amp;amp;amp;;;amp;& ASTRONOMY does
not display or a reasonable protection against external protective measures held luck
dearths protective measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and the “Date”.


Cannot delete the asterisk my judgment;
but I ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;; & S S amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;& amp;;; amp amp astronomy do not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures held luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.

Iteration 8

From Traditional

Cannot delete asterisk my judgment;
but I;amp;;amp;;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;&Amp; amp;S S amp;;amp;;amp;;S&P amp;amp;;;amp amp & ASTRONOMY does not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures hold luck
dearths protective measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and the “Date”.


Cannot delete the asterisk my judgment;
but I; ;amp; ;& amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; amp;; amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;; INCOMPLETE S S & amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp & astronomy do not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures to hold the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.

Iteration 9

From Traditional

Cannot delete asterisk my judgment;
but I;;amp;;S&P amp;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;amp;;amp;;amp;;amp;;amp;;;did not complete S S &Amp; amp;amp;amp;;;amp;;amp;;amp & amp;& ASTRONOMY does not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures hold luck
dearths protective measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and the “Date”.


Cannot delete the asterisk my judgment;
but I am desirous amp;; & S amp; ;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; there is not a complete S S & amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;& amp;;; amp;; amp; ;amp; ;amp; Astronomy do not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures to hold the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.

Iteration 10

From Traditional

Cannot delete asterisk my judgment;
but i desirous amp;;&Amp; amp;S amp;;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; do not complete S S &Amp; amp;amp;amp;;;amp;;amp;;amp;;S&P amp;amp;;;amp;;amp;;amp;;amp;& ASTRONOMY does not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures hold luck
dearths protective measures or high-definition – all activities;
can i in the Fortune Magazine 500 company description please tell,
click he each lui ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a
typical forecasting i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk i read this type of art
and beauty of truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if removed from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and the “Date”.


Cannot delete the asterisk my judgment;
but I hope amp;; & amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; S incomplete S S & amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;; amp;;; amp;; & S amp; ;amp; ;amp; ;amp;;; amp;;; amp;; amp astronomy do not
display or reasonable protection against external protective measures to hold the luck
dearths protection measures or high – definition – all activities;
I can in Fortune Magazine 500 companies description please tell,
click he each Lui Ming, wind and rain,
or you can say and princes if it should be a kind of
typical forecast i found in heaven
, but from your eyes to me – I have been
and will continue to marked with an asterisk I read this type of art
and beauty of Truth should be integrated into a single economic growth and prosperity,
if from its storage you do not convert ah;
or provide support. I prognosticate:
you last is honest and beautiful doom and “date”.