Category Archives: Assignments

Super Duduk Effect!

For Assignment 2, I made a delay/pitch shifter. The usage is pretty simple. It uses only a single slider to control all of the parameters! The other faders are for the level of the dry signal, the level of the delayed signal, and the level of the pitched signal. The slider changes between how many bits the feedback is down sampled to, versus how much pitch is being added to the feedback. It sounds especially good on reeded instruments. So I used the Duduk.aif included in the demo content for Max. Check out the patch, it’s pretty fun to play with!

Here is an audio example:

Also, here is the code:


-Steven Krenn

Pinging infinitely-A time machine-or a single frozen moment

That one delay line that changes it’s length based on the note you’re playing just wasn’t doing it for you? What about having it feed another delay line that changes the it’s length in the other direction based on the note you play? And then let’s throw Max’s version of Autotune on that delay line make them both feed back.
Sound’s great! box it up!

It’ll sit there and self oscillate for at least 15 minutes without going infinite.

the patch:

the soundcloud:

An Unwanted Time Machine: Anthem Part 2

I started off this project with the recording that I would loop. The most important part of ‘Anthem Part 2’ by Blink 182 is the first 8 seconds. Those first two cords get the listener pumped and ready for the rest of the song. It creates an anxiety and longer to hear the next verse. but what if it never came? What if you were stuck in this loop of the song forever? (Honestly, I would probably throw my computer at some part)

I played around with the timing of the song and the left-right speaker set up to throw off the listeners hearing even more, in order to create this sense of time shifting. Not only was there feedback, echo, and delay, but if you listen to it on stereo, the binaural timing of each ear is also completely different. I also played around with a frequency shift in order to pronounce the amount of echo there was. Parts of the MAX code are specifically timed, while others are easily adjusted and played with throughout the piece. Here is the sound of the result:


And here the link to the github:


Kayla Quinn

Assignment 2 – A time machine

Due 9/19.

Assignment 2 will be our first project that is created and delivered using Max. The goal of this assignment is to create a signal processing system that employs time shifting in some way. Feel free to incorporate other techniques we’ve looked at as well, such as feedback or down-sampling. Or explore independently and add whatever you like. Your system can work with audio, video, control data, or perhaps all three.

As with all our assignments deliver your work by creating a post on the website and submitting the link to your post on Blackboard. Be sure to include your code in your post.

Integrated Circuit Feedback Loop

Using ideas from Nicolas Colin’s book Handmade Electronic Music, I built an original feedback circuit using a CMOS Hex Schmitt Trigger Integrated Circuit (CD40106) and a 9v battery. I have a total of three oscillators. They are all in series, where the output of the first is the input of the second, and so on. The last oscillator has a blinking LED before its output which is taped to a photoresistor in the first oscillator, therefore modifying its signal. The second and third oscillators also have potentiometers and photoresistors which I am modifying by hand and with a bike light (but the photoresistor in the first oscillator remains isolated to the LED).

Feedback assignment

I wanted to use Snapchat’s most popular puppy filter. I used my phone to take the original video with the puppy filter. Then I used my friend’s phone to take a video of the video on my phone, using additional puppy filter. The process reiterated until snapchat couldn’t identify my face anymore (to put on the filter).


Printed Paper Process


Light image 40x


Darker image 20x


The signal is a detailed image of a girl’s face with her hair. In photoshop, I overexposed the image, so it would print very faint. The feedback system was a laser printer. I ran the paper through the printer 20 times, and 40 times (the lighter image went through 40 times). The noise that started appearing (difficult to see in digital representations) is random toner that got added to the page and grayed out the paper, and lines where the paper gripper rollers were. after a certain point, the images stopped showing more detail as the paper was reprinted and ended up just becoming more contrasty.

“When I sat down, I was in the other room.”

Lost in Google Translation

ENGLISH (Original)
I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am copying the words I am typing and I’m going to paste them back into the translator again and again until the algorithm reinforces itself so that any semblance of literal meaning, with perhaps the exception of the essence of the first sentence, is destroyed. What you will see, then, is a natural resolution of the system, based on the words used in this paragraph. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of technological fact, but more as a way to bring out any poetic content the text might inherently have.

وأنا جالس في غرفة مختلفة من الذي أنت فيه الآن. أنا نسخ الكلمات أنا كتابة وانا ذاهب الى لصقها مرة أخرى في الترجمة مرارا وتكرارا حتى تعزز الخوارزمية نفسها بحيث أن أي مظهر من مظاهر المعنى الحرفي، وربما باستثناء جوهر الجملة الأولى، هو تدمير . ما سوف ترى، إذن، هو قرار الطبيعي للنظام، استنادا إلى الكلمات المستخدمة في هذه الفقرة. أنا أعتبر هذا النشاط ليس كثيرا كدليل على حقيقة التكنولوجي، ولكن أكثر باعتبارها وسيلة لاخراج أي محتوى الشعري النص قد يكون في حد ذاتها.


ישבתי בחדר אחר מהמיקום הנוכחי שלך. העתקתי את מה שכתבתי, אני מקל ולאחר מכן תורגם שוב ושוב, עד אלגוריתם שיפור עצמו, המשקף את המשמעות המילולית, אולי תמצית של המשפט הראשון, הוא הרס. תראה, אם כן, הוא הבסיס של מערכת טבעית של החלטה על סעיף זה עם המילים. אני מאמין כי פעילות זו אינה כל כך הרבה טכנולוגיה היא למעשה סימן, אבל עוד דרכים להוציא כל טקסט יכול להיות כשלעצמו תוכן פואטי.

ငါသည်သင်တို့၏လက်ရှိတည်နေရာမှတစ်ဦးကွဲပြားခြားနားအခန်း၌ထိုင်တော်မူ၏။ ပကတိအဓိပ်ပာယျကိုထင်ဟပ်သောတိုးတက်မှု algorithm ကိုသူ့ဟာသူ, ကိုပထမဦးဆုံးဝါကျ၏ဖြစ်ကောင်းအနှစ်သာရ, ပျက်စီးမှီတိုင်အောင်, နောက်တဖန်ငါ wrote အဘယျသို့ကူးယူငါကပ်ပြီးတော့နောက်တဖန်ဘာသာပြန်ထားသောနဲ့။ ထို့နောက်ထိုစကားနှင့်အတူဤအပိုင်းကိုအပေါ်ဆုံးဖြတ်ချက်၏သဘာဝစနစ်၏အခြေခံအုတ်မြစ်ဖြစ်ပါသည်, ရှာဖွေပါ။ ငါသည်ဤလှုပ်ရှားမှုကိုအများကြီးနည်းပညာကိုအမှန်တကယ်လက္ခဏာသက်သေဖြစ်ပေမယ့်စာသားအားလုံးကိုကိုယ်တိုင်က extract ဖို့ပိုနည်းလမ်းများကဗြာဆနျအကြောင်းအရာဖြစ်နိုင်သည်မဟုတ်ကယုံကြည်ကြသည်။

Eu sou da sua localização actual e sentou-se em uma sala diferente. O que reflete o algoritmo literal crescimento significado em si, a essência do primeiro período de, talvez, até que, mais uma vez o que eu escrevi, então eu já não tenho uma cópia. Então, com as palavras desta decisão por parte da base do sistema natural. Eu tenho um monte de esta actividade apesar da tecnologia de token realmente significa para extrair todo o texto em si conteúdo poético pode não acreditar.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 1)
I am your current location and sat in a different room. What it reflects the literal meaning growth algorithm itself, the essence of the first period, perhaps until, again what I wrote, so I no longer have a copy. Then, with the words of this decision by the base of the natural system. I have a lot of this activity despite the token technology really means to extract all the text itself poetic content can not believe it.


-> ENGLISH (Iteration 2)
I have to sit in different rooms, your current location is. The algorithm for the first period of growth in the literal sense, in essence, to reflect, and then I wrote therefore copying. Then, based on those words. Upon the natural order of decisions. Instinctively art icon Rev. true meaning of text content that you do not believe that the extract can, I have a lot of these activities.

… [REPEAT] …

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 3)
I sat in the other room, your current location. So, the first essence to reflect the improvements in the literal sense of the steps of the algorithm, and copy books. Then, based on those words. Decision of the natural order. Kai art icon known the true meaning of the text that you may not think there are many such activities.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 4)
I sat on your current location in the other room. Thus, the essence of improved algorithm first steps in the literal sense, and reflected on the copied books. Then, based on those words. natural order of decisions. Kay these many activities can feel the true meaning of text art features.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 5)
When you are in another room where I was sitting. Therefore, the first step in the literal sense, in terms of improved algorithm for copying books slide. Then, based on those words. Decision of the natural order. True meaning of Kaye, many activities can feel art features.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 10)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. So this book to practice an algorithm in an electronic version is the first step to improve the presentation. Then, based on those words. natural order of decisions. Friendly All you will have a lot of mental function can be sensory processes.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 15)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. Then, the algorithm of a report leading to a better understanding of the steps, the first step in an electronic copy. . All have processing decisions. Mood and emotion of the natural order.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 20)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. To better understand the treatment algorithm decisions with the natural first step of the electronic version. Emotions and feelings.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 25)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. The processing algorithm to determine the nature of the electronic version is based on the best sequence is not understood. Emotions and feelings.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 30)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. Approved algorithm based on the additional properties of a series of electronic copies are better understood. Emotions and feelings.

-> ENGLISH (Iteration 35)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. Results, software algorithms and other companies electronic version. Birth. Emotions and feelings.

-> ENGLISH (Final Iteration 36)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. As a result, software algorithms and other companies as an electronic version. Birth. Emotions and feelings.

-> ENGLISH (Repeat Iteration 37)
When I sat down, I was in the other room. Based on these words. As a result, software algorithms and other companies as an electronic version. Birth. Emotions and feelings.

• Languages were chosen to establish a variety of alphabets. Some were removed or swapped for others to define and refine the Translation System.
• Different languages exhibit different, specific, qualities in a Translation System. Through experimentation, for example, I’ve found that using Chinese as one of the languages in a Translation System will cause the output to diminish in length over time. By comparison, inserting Japanese into the system will keep the paragraph length longer, perhaps even concluding as such. Using Arabic will often lead to more nonsecular text outcomes. Adding Burmese (Myanmar) to a Translation System originating in English will cause more variation from the origin than will a latin-based language. …
• Using only one or two languages in a Translation System will cause most (if not all) chains to end at or below 7 iterations.
• A Translation System’s chain ends when additional iterations return the same result.
• The concept for this work is based on Alvin Lucier’s, “I am sitting in a room.”