For this assignment, I transformed an audio signal of my friend singing “Sorry” by Justin Bieber by convolving it with four different Impulse Recordings. The first IR was a ballon popping in the CFA building, and the second was a ballon popping in Porter Hall. For the third IR, I recorded a speaker playing a sound of a ballon popping inside a closed room. The fourth IR was a recording of footsteps on hardwood.
I have attached the respective audio recordings and the gist for my project below.
Original Audio Track (Friend singing):
IR1 and Convoluted Signal (Ballon popping in CFA):
IR2 and Convoluted Signal (Ballon popping in Porter Hall):
IR3 and Convoluted Signal (Speaker playing ballon pop sound)
IR4 and Convoluted Signal (Footsteps on hardwood)