Category Archives: Assignments

Assignment 1- Tanushree Mediratta



The system I chose was an online thesaurus- The original input word was ‘candy’. This word was chosen randomly. Once this word was fed into the system (the thesaurus), synonyms were generated. The first word from this list was chosen and fed back into the system. One rule that I applied to prevent an infinite loop was to exclude any word that I had already chosen earlier. The end result was a word that had no relation with the original word whatsoever. Thus, destroying the original word and its meaning through feedback.

Assignment 1 – Isha Iyer

I used two phones to distort an image I took a couple years ago. Using one phone, I took a picture of the image displayed on the second phone. Then, I used AirDrop to quickly transfer the file to display the new image on the second phone and repeated the process until the image became mostly one color after 50 iterations.

Assignment 3: Convolve it

Due Oct 2

Transform an audio signal by convolving it with four different Impulse Response recordings. You should make at least two of your IR recordings by using portable audio recorders to record the reverberations of a “pop” in two different acoustic spaces. Try to find unique acoustic spaces that will create interesting reverberations. The other two IR recordings can be more experimental. For example, one can got interesting results by treating musical sounds as if they were IR recordings.

To deliver your work present:

• The original signal
• The original signal convolved through 4 different IR recordings
• The 4 IR recordings, and a brief description of how they were produced

Convolution of images is acceptable as well if you’re interested in doing a visual version of this project.

Assignment 2 – A time machine

Due 9/18

Assignment 2 will be our first project that is created and delivered using Max. The goal of this assignment is to create a signal processing system that employs time shifting in some way. Feel free to incorporate other techniques we’ve looked at as well, such as feedback or down-sampling. Or explore independently and add whatever you like. Your system can work with audio, video, control data, or perhaps all three.

As with all our assignments deliver your work by creating a post on the website and submitting the link to your post in Canvas. Be sure to include your code in your post.

Assignment 1 – Feedback with found systems

Due Sept 6

In 1914 Marcel Duchamp produced his first “readymade” – artwork made from things he found lying around (bottles, shovels, a coat-rack, & cetera).  For this assignment you are going to use a readymade system – a signal processing system that you find lying around.  Your “found system” could be on the internet, in one of your classrooms, in your telephone…  It could be a photocopier, an online tool that transforms text or images, a plug-in or filter in an app, a toy that transforms sounds, etc.

Like Alvin Lucier’s I am sitting in a room, you are going to use this system over and over and until your original signal is destroyed.  Present each generation of the transformed signal so we can see/hear it evolve.

Your signal can be text, sounds, images, video – or something else.  Win big on the “concept” section of this assignment by thinking of something we didn’t see coming.

Post your documentation on the class website along with a little description of what you did.  Tag your post “Assignments” (see here for more details on posting to the site).  And enter a link to your post on Canvas.

Posting to the site

The first step for submitting an assignment is create a post on the course website.  The course website is powered by WordPress, a free and open-source blogging tool and CMS.  Using WordPress is pretty intuitive, but if you encounter difficulty there is a lot of support available online.

Your post should include the Max patch that was created for the assignment.  To post your patch:

  1.  Unlock your patch.  Select the entire patch (you can hit Command-A to Select All).  Go to the Edit menu and select Copy Compressed.
  2.  Make a gist on github and paste the URL into your WordPress post.  Wordpress will automatically display the code, like so:

Your posts should also include video and audio documentation of what your patch does.  Video documentation can be delivered via Vimeo or Youtube – both offer free accounts.  Formatting the video in a WordPress post is super-easy, just paste the link into the WordPress Visual editor [i.e. or], and WordPress will format it nicely, like so:

Sound recordings can be delivered via SoundCloud, which also offers free accounts.  Posting SoundClouds is also super-easy, just post the link into the Visual editor [i.e.], and WordPress will auto-format it nicely, like so:

Under “Categories” tag your post with “Assignments”:

Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 2.30.44 PM

Don’t forget: After you have created your post on the website, you must deliver your work via Canvas by entering a link to your post.