Class Admin
I’ve made a request that Tuesday’s work class be held in A10. Will email an update.
Looking Outword comments
dark skies as a source of crowd-sourced weather data, scrape data from,-79.8655/us12/en
Interfering with sensors goes back to “Dazzle Camouflag”:
Virag Varga’s research on devices that communicate with one another through skin:
State machine transitions
Documenting a state machine: Omnigraffle (mac) vs. SmartDraw (win10) vs. ??? (linux) vs. whiteboard
A finite(explain) state machine needs states, transitions, and actions (transitions that do things)
Example: UI button that changes screen color has a state variable with the current color
state machines in video games, hierarchies of state machines
how do we define a transition from one state to another?
– segue: pan, wipe, blur
– alert:
– microwave ding when it’s finished heating
– countdown timer to start an event (from waiting -> running)
– elevator alerts
what can visual output replace? sound? motion?
babymonitor that translates sound to video
GFCI sound vs. click
replace sound warning with video flash
how can we replace sound from a state machine with visual queues?
what sounds are important in state machines and what sound are decorations?
keyclicks on/off phone
annoying car noises
car sounds effects
Reading/research links not discussed in class
Discuss tempo of sound
visualizing sound waves
visualizing music:
Vibrant Data Visualizations of Famous Classical Music Scores Burst with Color
Visualization of language
Visual communication examples
Arrival — read “The Story of Your Life”
the movie version:
99pi episodes 50 “Deafspace” (Gaulludet) and 126 “Walk This Way” (wayfinding)
When your senses get crossed, Synesthesia