Good and Bad Visual Feedback


Many doors that I have encountered are very poorly designed in that they don’t indicate which direction they are supposed to be opened or where they are hinged. While this might look good from an aesthetics stand point, it hinders the ability to quickly recognize which side of the door to push or pull and whether or not to push or pull. One example of a very poorly designed door are those entering the UC from the football field entrance. While they do a good job of showing where the door hits a stop and thus whether it will be a push or pull open, they hide their hinges very well and have no physical indicators to persuade users to one side of the door or another. This has on many occasions resulted in me walking right into the door and being immediately brought to a halt because it’s the wrong side. On doors with a turn handle or ones with a push to open bar that has a direction to is, the side to push or pull from is made much more clear.

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