Due at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15th

1. Arduino projects and WordPress warmup

Find an example of an Arduino-based project that’s surprising, intriguing, or otherwise interesting to you. Make a small WordPress post on the class site (https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/60-223/s2020/work), including the following elements:

  • the title of the project
  • the creator of the project
  • a short description of the project in your own words, including some media (embedded pictures, an embedded video, etc.) to help the reader better understand it
  • a brief (few sentences) response of your own, including your thoughts on the project, how you might improve/change it, and why you think it’s interesting/intriguing/surprising/terrible/great.

WordPress notes:

  • Any still images should be captioned. To add a caption: click on the image in the post editing page, click on the little pencil in the contextual menu that appears, and add the caption text.
  • Select a “featured image” for your post; this image will appear above the title and in the WordPress post listings page. To choose a “featured image”: Be sure you’re in the “Document,” rather than “Block” editing mode (set in the upper right of the editing pane). Click on “Featured image” and select (or upload) an image of your choosing.
  • Mark your post with the “Homework 1” category. This appears under the “Document” mode of the right-side menu, in “Categories.”

I made a sample post here which you can use as a rough template: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/60-223/s2020/work/tide-tank-project

There are about twenty gazillion Arduino projects out there in the world, but if you’re somehow having trouble finding them, here’s the entire category in Instructables: http://www.instructables.com/technology/arduino/, and here’s the forum on the main Arduino site where people share their projects: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub.

Questions? Let me know! We’ll be going over these very briefly in class on Wednesday so please expect to speak for ~30 seconds about the project you identified.

2. Read the syllabus

The syllabus captures lots of important information. Please read the whole thing from head to toe before our Wednesday class so that we’re all on the same page. A link to the webpage version of the syllabus is available under the “reference” header on the left navigation bar; if you prefer a PDF, that’s available here.

I’ll give a little oral quiz at the start of class Wednesday on some points addressed in the syllabus. I’m going to call on people at random. If I get the sense that people haven’t read it, we’ll need to use class time Wednesday to go over policy stuff, which I’d love not to have to do. So: read it!