Gallery Tapestry Weavings

Weaving Final Reflection – Carol

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Since the last weaving progress check, I have finished and tied off my test/experiment piece and weaved an additional, shorter companion piece with different colors, materials, and themes. For my final piece I initially wanted to create images of jellyfish deep in the ocean, but things did not go entirely as planned. It was much more difficult to create exact imagery than I had anticipated. Both my test and final pieces ended up becoming products of much experimentation, with surprising details that I both liked and disliked. As a result I have mixed feelings about my final piece, mainly due to how different it turned out from my expectations. My final idea is that the piece still maintains some semblance of an abstract jellyfish, but it also represents chaos and branching of thought. In a way it represents my weaving process, discovery, troubles, and all.

What worked well

The variety of colors used, as well as contrast between light and dark colors, worked well in both final pieces. In the test piece, I started with soft, pastel colors before moving to bright, almost neon greens and pinks. In the final piece, there were contrasting blacks, blues, and green-whites. Additionally, I think the choice of unusual materials in the final piece worked well. I used wool, ribbon, and a shiny, textured, woven net material I found in class. The presentation of the different materials was interesting, as they provided new textures and lighting that regular weaving could not. I was very drawn to the difference in texture that the wool provided, and reflected light that came from the net material. The experimentation with different techniques, lines, and knots also worked well.


The initial planning stages could have been improved. At first, I did not know whether or not the test piece would be included in our final submissions. Thus I did not have as much of a vision for the first weaving portion (not to say that that’s a terrible thing). In retrospect I would have liked to plan it out more while also incorporating experimentation. There could have also been improvements in fully incorporating the unusual materials used into the tapestry. A lot of the material utilizes the clinginess and fine strands of yarn used. In the future I would like to either weave it in more fully or sew it on top. It was difficult for the material I chose to work with. Finally, I would improve the neatness of the final presentation, as the final piece felt a little messy to me. A part of me appreciated the chaos while another part of me wished it would be neater somehow.

Lessons learned

I learned how to weave which is really cool! I learned basic techniques of weaving, including simple patterns, knots, and incorporating outside elements. I learned not only to not be afraid of trying new things and experimenting, but also to have some structure and planning involved for optimal results. I learned about what others were doing with their weavings and took inspiration for the future.

Five directions

  • A dark piece because I enjoyed using dark and contrasting colors. I would like to see a darker and more contrasting piece with tight weaving (no warp threads seen).
  • A piece with structural experimentation, unlike the typical top down woven tapestry. It could use wooden sticks or the loom itself to create interesting 3D shapes upheld by weaving.
  • A piece that kept the test and final piece together to create a longer work. I would like to experiment with gradients and complimenting colors all the way down, then sew and embellish with details over the weaving.
  • A piece involving new techniques such as braiding, felting, exposed warp threads, and integrating puff balls.
  • A piece resembling a woven chess board, with a woven checkered pattern and chess pieces that could either be attached or detached from the piece. It would be possible to actually play chess with the tapestry laid out on a table if one wished.