Category: Project no. 2
Description There is a small white box with a black switch on a white pillar. The small white box is connected to a black structure with 5 black…
Thoughts of a Plant explores the differences and similarities between plants and people by setting up an opportunity to listen to and interact with the internal electrical signals…
Apply Pressure Final Design of the Touch Pad Video Demonstration Examples of the Visuals Narrative description Apply pressure is an installation that produces visuals and sounds. The physical…
Description The Universe Comparator is an interactive project where people try to understand the scale of objects all around the universe relative to each other. If you ever…
Final Project Pictures and Video Narrative Description The Jackpot of Life is a slot machine, but the user can rig it in their favor. A disproportionate amount of…
Meiger Counters Description A plain, black carrying case usually meant for industrial tools with two cutouts in the foam. Perfectly fit into the cutouts are two handheld meter-shaped…
Description There are 5 yellow posts with some plates and colorful lumps on top. They are all different heights. Each one has a bunch of wires coming…
Project Statement This project is meant to be an interactive piece where you can experiment and figure out the scale of different bodies in the universe. The balloon…
Project Statement: “Jackpot of Life” is a slot machine that aims to explore how one’s life turns out is largely dependent on the circumstances of your birth. While…
Success in Their Eyes (working title) Progress Made Currently, I have the structure for the waterfall made using styrofoam. I have also finished the vases where the water will…
Bike The idea here is to have a scene of sorts that evolves as the user bikes on an exercise bike. If the user stops biking, the scene…
I thought more about my Digital Jungle idea. I’m not settled on it, but I am interested in seeing it through. As a quick refreshener, this project aims…
Idea 1.1: Universe Size Comparison Extra Points not in the drawing Measuring the size of the balloon Question Randomizer button Idea 1: Tilt controlled mechanism This is a…
Jackpot The idea behind this project is that your life and experiences are largely influenced by the circumstances of your birth, and a very small minority of Americans…
Idea 1: Apply Pressure Block Diagram: I am excited about interactive artworks where the act of creating the art can become a kind of…
So, I was thinking about flow, right? I heard we needed an illustration, narrative description, materials list, and a flow diagram for each of three unique, world-shattering projects….
Astral Projection The idea behind this project is that music will play and depending on the pitch different images of celestial bodies will be projected against the wall….