Final Project Pictures and Video
Narrative Description
The Jackpot of Life is a slot machine, but the user can rig it in their favor. A disproportionate amount of one’s life is determined by the circumstances of their birth, which is the idea behind my project. Each wheel correlates to some aspect of a person’s life, their family’s financial situation, where they are born, and their education level. The user presses a button and the wheel spins to land on some result. As I mentioned, though, it can be rigged. While holding down the button, one can “send their prayers,” which translates to waving a magnet in front of a sensor that measures magnetic fields. Based off of the value read from the magnet, the wheel spins to a specific position.
Progress Images
Process Reflection
I had a lot of problems during this project. I failed to account for a lot of the physical mechanics and innerworkings of the stands that hold up the wheels. To make matters worse, one of my wheels shattered into pieces. I had to use whatever I had to make things work. As a result, it isn’t stable at all and I had to use many unconventional materials to slap things together. The result is that it is kind of a mess. To make matters worse, it would randomly stop working at random intervals and I had to take time to fix it. I definitely didn’t give myself enough time to account for these problems.
In the end, I didn’t have the time to implement a lot of elements to the project that I was looking forward to. I didn’t have time to program and wire a receipt printer to print out the user’s results. I also didn’t have the time to make it visually appealing. I almost wish I didn’t print out any signage at all because it would have looked slightly less slapped together and more intentional if I hadn’t.
In the critique, many points were also brought up that I failed to consider early on in the project. I could’ve given more consideration to the relationship between the input and output and the connection to the overarching idea. My ultimate takeaway is that I should’ve done more detailed consideration and planning early on in the project to know how I would build the stands and box in general. I also should have put more work into the project early on to account for unexpected problems. I believe that I would not have struggled nearly as much if I had built a prototype stand for the prototype.
Code Submission
/* * * The Jackpot of Life * by Leah Walko * * Pin 11 -> left button * Pin 12 -> middle button * Pin 13 -> right button * Pin 2 -> left stepper step * Pin 3 -> left stepper direction * Pin 4 -> middle stepper step * Pin 5 -> middle stepper direction * Pin 6 -> right stepper step * Pin 7 -> right stepper direction * * read a xyz magnetic value ("Prayers") and turn it into * three Stepper value * * Sources: * QMC5883LCompass.h Library XYZ Example Sketch * Learn more at [] * AccelStepper.h library example * */ // Pos: 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190 #include <QMC5883LCompass.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> const int LEFTBUTTONPIN = 11; const int MIDBUTTONPIN = 12; const int RIGHTBUTTONPIN = 13; const int LEFTSTEPPIN = 2; const int LEFTDIRPIN = 3; const int MIDSTEPPIN = 4; const int MIDDIRPIN = 5; const int RIGHTSTEPPIN = 6; const int RIGHTDIRPIN = 7; AccelStepper myMotorLeft(1, LEFTSTEPPIN, LEFTDIRPIN); AccelStepper myMotorMid(1, MIDSTEPPIN, MIDDIRPIN); AccelStepper myMotorRight(1, RIGHTSTEPPIN, RIGHTDIRPIN); QMC5883LCompass compass; int posX = 0; int posY = 0; int posZ = 0; int spin = 3000; int x, y, z; boolean leftIsSpinning = false; boolean leftGetResults = false; boolean midIsSpinning = false; boolean midGetResults = false; boolean rightIsSpinning = false; boolean rightGetResults = false; unsigned long timer = 0; const int INTERVAL = 1000; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); compass.init(); pinMode(LEFTBUTTONPIN, INPUT); pinMode(MIDBUTTONPIN, INPUT); pinMode(RIGHTBUTTONPIN, INPUT); myMotorLeft.setMaxSpeed(1000); myMotorLeft.setAcceleration(500); myMotorLeft.setSpeed(1000); myMotorMid.setMaxSpeed(1000); myMotorMid.setAcceleration(500); myMotorMid.setSpeed(1000); myMotorRight.setMaxSpeed(1000); myMotorRight.setAcceleration(500); myMotorRight.setSpeed(1000); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if(digitalRead(LEFTBUTTONPIN) == !HIGH) { leftIsSpinning = true; } else { leftIsSpinning = false; } if(digitalRead(MIDBUTTONPIN) == !HIGH) { midIsSpinning = true; } else { midIsSpinning = false; } if(digitalRead(RIGHTBUTTONPIN) == !HIGH) { rightIsSpinning = true; } else { rightIsSpinning = false; } if(leftIsSpinning) {; x = compass.getX(); myMotorLeft.runSpeed(); leftGetResults = true; } if(midIsSpinning) {; y = compass.getY(); myMotorMid.runSpeed(); midGetResults = true; } if(rightIsSpinning) {; z = compass.getZ(); myMotorRight.runSpeed(); rightGetResults = true; } if(leftGetResults && !leftIsSpinning) { if(x < -3000) { x = -3000; } else if (x > 3000) { x = 3000; } posX = map(x, -3000, 3000, 1, 10); posX = 20*posX - 10; Serial.print("current x compass: "); Serial.println(x); Serial.print("move to Position: "); Serial.println(posX); myMotorLeft.moveTo(posX); leftGetResults = false; } if(midGetResults && !midIsSpinning) { y = (y+x)/2; if(y < -3000) { y = -3000; } else if (y > 3000) { y = 3000; } posY = map(y, -3000, 3000, 1, 10); posY = 20*posY - 10; Serial.print("current y compass: "); Serial.println(y); Serial.print("move to Position: "); Serial.println(posY); myMotorMid.moveTo(posY); midGetResults = false; } if(rightGetResults && !rightIsSpinning) { y = (Z+y+x)/3; if(z < -3000) { z = -3000; } else if (z > 3000) { z = 3000; } posZ = map(z, -3000, 3000, 1, 10); posZ = 20*posZ - 10; Serial.print("current z compass: "); Serial.println(z); Serial.print("move to Position: "); Serial.println(posZ); myMotorRight.moveTo(posZ); rightGetResults = false; } if(myMotorLeft.distanceToGo() != 0) {; } else { myMotorLeft.setSpeed(1000); } if(myMotorMid.distanceToGo() != 0) {; } else { myMotorMid.setSpeed(1000); } if(myMotorRight.distanceToGo() != 0) {; } else { myMotorRight.setSpeed(1000); } }