Doppleganger DeLuna
In this project I decided to continue recreating household objects. I made multiple different forms, as I thought that one object would not be enough because of the simple nature of the materials I was using. Instead of using muslin for this project, I wanted something sturdier instead. Ideally, I would’ve wanted traditional floral patterns, like chateau fabric, but I didn’t want to go out of pocket yet. I ended using some leftover canvas scraps that I had. I believe it maintained the rawness and simplicity of the muslin but gave it more structure and a nicer appearance. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to create the different objects out of the canvas. My biggest problem was that the sturdiness and thickness of the fabric did not lend itself well to being turned inside out. I had some smaller pieces that I worked on, but once I tried to turn them out, the sewing didn’t hold, or the fabric frayed too much. In the future I want to use a fabric that is either the floral fabrics or a perhaps something similar to linen or just a cotton sheet, which I believe would be a good halfway point between canvas and muslin. I think the canvas fabric would work better for larger objects as it holds its form so well. I want to continue making these beauty products. I agree with what was said during critique, that amount is important. They aren’t exciting enough to exist on their own. I might decide to go in and paint on them to give them more detail, but I think I just need more experimentation in general to see how to best execute this project. I also need to work on finishing off the bottoms better.