Doppelgänger- Dayoung Chung
For my doppelgänger project, I decided to replicate my 35mm film camera. I chose to replicate this object because I’m interested in its form and structure. It’s an old film camera with some damages so I thought it would be fascinating to recover damages with recreating it with different textured fabrics. My original 35mm camera is very rigid, colorless, and manufactured quality. Therefore, I wanted to make my doppleganger to be playful, colorful, and handmade quality which is very contrasting to the original. Also, I wanted to play with the idea of making something hard and rigid into something soft and flexible.
The process began with cutting out the tapes into different sections. After that, I organized the order and size of the tapes. The buttons on the top were really tiny so it was difficult to sew them with sewing machine so I decided to use my needle and hand stitch them. I wanted to create something that has handmade quality so I have hand stitched most parts. I attached the snap-on button as the lens cap of the camera but it could work better if I made another thin layer as the lens cap. Also, I made If I have another opportunity to rework on this project, I would focus more on the object’s structure than adding other elements.