Designs for Community Care – proposal
Group Proposal Due: Wed., April 1
Create a proposal for a structure and wearable that takes on the theme of Community Care during the time of Covid-19. The designs will be to care for us in ways that we most need at this moment. This can include ideas that are practical, spiritual, aspirational, fantastic, surreal, and more. You will be paired with one other student in class.
What are the needs that we as individuals have in order to survive and thrive? How can the structures and wearables give us both protection as well as hope? What would it look like if all of our needs were being met? What would be the collective response that you most hope for? What would utopia look like at this time?
Turn in Proposal Here:
Google Drive folder for all Designs for Community Care proposals and supporting documents.
Excellent Reading:
Feeling overwhelmed? How art can help in an emergency by Olivia Laing
Elements of your proposal:
- Organized Google Folder of all drawings, sketches, research, brainstorming, and notes from your team meetings. Take turns being a note-taker at all of your team meetings.
- Drawings (by-hand and/or on computer) image(s) of proposed environment and wearable. Please give us drawings that will help us understand the experience.
- Written description of idea and concept (1-3 paragraphs).