Mending – Dayoung Chung

I had this pair of jeans that I bought a long time ago but haven’t worn in years. I didn’t like its length and fit so decided to mend it with colorful and playful embroidery and patches. At the beginning, I was going to make it less colorful since I wanted to wear it in real life. But after sewing some stitches, I realized that I would enjoy the process more and have better outcome if I work with various types of stitches and materials. I had no interesting patterned fabrics but got some beads to bring some brightness to it. First, I cut the jeans into half and embroidered some unique patterns using different stitch techniques to make it less boring. Then, I used the left overs (other half) to cover the holes and bring contrast to the jeans. As I cut off, I realized that it would be more fascinating if I make it as children’s jeans since children’s clothing has more fun and playful design. Therefore, I attached some unique shaped beads with different stitch styles. I focused more on the front compare to the back because whenever I look for jeans, I pay more attention to the front. For the front, I used the satin stitches, cross stitches, and running stitches. Also, I attached some beads and patches to highlight/ contrast some parts. For the back, I simply attached patch and french knots. Overall, I enjoyed the process and learned a lot about types of embroidery stitches and mending. Mending is not only repair things by sewing and darning, it imbues with our memories. I would like to mend my other clothes with left threads and patches.