Mending – Min Lee

For my mending project, I didn’t have any particular clothes with holes that inspired me. However, I do have a Nike windbreaker that I wanted to add patches to, and I was heavily inspired by a pair of shoes that I own: the Nike Paranoise. Made by Korean artist G-Dragon and his fashion company Peace Minus One, the shoes showcase a daisy missing a single petal and two pins that fit on the shoe, one of which being the company’s signature logo.

I started with the daisy, which was simple in terms of embroidery techniques. I first created the center of the daisy by creating french knots with different shades of yellow. Then I used white embroidery floss to create the petals by using a satin stitch as well as part of a chain stitch to outline each petal.

For the second part, I continued to use satin stitches to create the logo of the company, which is a peace logo minus one edge. This was simpler to recreate, because I had to just create a circle and incorporate two edges. I’m very happy with the way that it turned out, and I think a major reason for why I chose this peace is that I knew the colors would go along super well together.