For the prototype, we decided to try and create an one-eyed structure of how the eyes would operate. Due to a current limitation in supplies, we decided to make the rotating eye piece out of clay. However, we plan to use different materials for the final piece because the clay was very difficult to work with, especially regarding putting holes in the structure.

The eye will be able to be moved by a servo structure that is set up like the picture below, with the servos on different “shelves” of a tiny wooden structure, instead of cardboard, like this one.

The eyes will also be moved via paperclips/wires and L-brackets. For this porotype, we were only able to move it with our hand because we didn’t have L-brackets, and directly connecting the paperclip to the clay structure caused the clay to fracture/fail around the paperclip that it was attached to. However, as can be seen in the video, the eyes are able to move left/right/up/down. We also drafted some of the eye-tracking code that would control our device. More information regarding the code can be found on the following website: