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Sunjana Kulkarni – Assignment 1 Fabric Experiments

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Assignment 1: Sommer Schneller

For my first piece, I wanted to explore wings. Like biological wings, I created tendon-like pieces to web the fabric and used straps to attach this to my…

Class 2: Workshopping Extensions

The focus of class today will be hands-on experimentation to develop techniques for extending gestures; we think this will be useful research and foundation for the first assignment….

Class 1

Welcome! Introduction to Kinetic Fabrics Slideshow Syllabus Assignment 1: Gesture Extension

Assignment 1: Gesture Extension

Due: Mon, Jan 20 5PM Clothing and costume are both social and physical prosthetics: it moves with us, revealing and concealing, and expressing our identity and intentions. A…

Kinetic Fabrics Spring 2020

Kinetic Fabrics brings together the fields of robotics and textiles to explore their unified creative and expressive potential. It is a wide-open frontier for kinetic art, wearable art,…