Breathing Wall Polen Budak, E., Zirhli, O., Stokes, A. A., & Akbulut, O. (2016). The Breathing Wall (Brall)–Triggering Life (In) Animate Surfaces. Leonardo, 49(2), 162–163. The “breathing wall” is a structure that can respond in an organic matter to touch and stimulus. The idea of an “organic” city seems interesting to me. It doesn’t seem very
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Art and Design Inspirations
Ferrofluid based kinetic art and sculptures.
2.1.23: Art and Design Inspiration Exercise
Skulturen, Klaus Pinter Makes very large scale, inflated installations, however they are not kinetic. They’re interesting for their size and shape, and personally I find them intriguing for their potential transference into movement. Adaptive Pneumatic Shelters, Hani Fallaha These pneumatic shelters are more of an architecture piece than sculpture, but similar to Klaus
Continue reading 2.1.23: Art and Design Inspiration Exercise
Soft Robotics in Design and Art This project came out of the Tangible Media Group at MIT. They designed 3D printable hair and created a program that can easily design and print the hair without using additional CAD. In the videos, they showed many applications that they designed for the hair material. They demonstrated that you can use this technology
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Art and Design Inspirations
Object with Behavior This is a soft robotics project I found a while ago online by designer Aslak Siimes, which features a joint made of a soft material. Due to the flexibility and range of motion of this soft material, the robot is able to perform fluid and life-like motion. I thought that the simplicity
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Art and Design Inspirations
Another Generosity, designed 2018 by Eero Lundén, Ron Aasholm, and Carmen Lee of Lundén Architecture Company, in collaboration with Bergent, BuroHappold Engineering, and Aalto University (Courtesy of the designers) This is one of the pieces from an exhibition I found while visiting the Philadelphia Museum in 2018. The name of the exhibition is “design for
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Dunn Art and Design Inspirations
This is actually the project of my current architecture professor, the former head of the School of Architecture, Steve Lee’s project. It was done when he was a sophomore at CMU (1979), alongside other students; some became my other professors. This project investigates the affordance of using robust and elastic membrane materials to construct scaffolding,
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Literature Review
Paper: A Multi-Module Soft Robotic Arm with Soft End Effector for Minimally Invasive Surgery M. Chen, D. Wang, J. Zou, L. Sun, J. Sun and G. Jin, “A Multi-Module Soft Robotic Arm with Soft End Effector for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2019 2nd World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing (WCMEIM), Shanghai, China, 2019, pp.
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1.30.23: Peer Review Exercise
Peer Review Paper: D. Zhou, Y. Fu, J. Deng, J. Sun and Y. Liu, “A Bistable Jumping Robot with Pure Soft Body Actuated by Twisted Artificial Muscle,” 2021 27th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP), Shanghai, China, 2021, pp. 388-393, doi: 10.1109/M2VIP49856.2021.9665013. Do you have any conflict of interest in reviewing this
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Peer Review
RoBoa: Construction and Evaluation of a Steerable Vine Robot for Search and Rescue Applications 10.1109/RoboSoft51838.2021.9479192 Conference: 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), April 2021