Assignment 1 – Feedback with found systems

Due Sept 7

In 1914 Marcel Duchamp produced his first “readymade” – artwork made from things he found lying around (bottles, shovels, a coat-rack, & cetera).  For this assignment you are going to use a readymade system – a signal processing system that you find lying around.  Your “found system” could be on the internet, in one of your classrooms, in your telephone…  It could be a photocopier, an online tool that transforms text or images, a plug-in or filter in an app, a toy that transforms sounds, etc.

Like Alvin Lucier’s I am sitting in a room, you are going to use this system over and over and until your original signal is destroyed.  Present each generation of the transformed signal so we can see/hear it evolve.

Your signal can be text, sounds, images, video – or something else.  Win big on the “concept” section of this assignment by thinking of something we didn’t see coming.

Post your documentation on the class website along with a little description of what you did.  Tag your post “Assignments” (see here for more details on posting to the site).  And enter a link to your post on blackboard.