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Project 1- Alex

I like taking digital mediums and making them more accessible for untrained artists. I think that everyone should be able to mess around with computers and make cool stuff. For this project, I decided to make a physical interface for the media lab control patch Jesse gave us.

insert photo of the arduino I forgot to take here

Arduino control code

// constants won’t change. They’re used here to set pin numbers:
const int buttonOnePin = 3; // the number of the redlight pushbutton pin
const int ledOnePin = 9; // the number of the LED pin
const int buttonTwoPin = 4; // the number of the yellowlight pushbutton pin
const int ledTwoPin = 10; // the number of the LED pin
const int buttonThreePin = 5; // the number of the bluelight pushbutton pin
const int ledThreePin = 8; // the number of the LED pin

// variable buttons
int buttonOneState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonTwoState = 0;
int buttonThreeState = 0;

//variables knob
const int potPin = 3; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int potVal = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int mappedPotVal = 0;

//variables slider
const int slidePin = 0;
int slideVal = 0;
int mappedSlideVal = 0;

//variables for ir detector
const int irPin = 5;
int irVal = 0;
int mappedIrVal = 0;

const int swPin = 2; // digital pin connected to switch output
const int xPin = 2; // analog pin connected to X output
const int yPin = 1; // analog pin connected to Y output

int xState = 0;
int yState = 0;
int mappedXState = 0;
int mappedYState = 0;

void setup() {
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledOnePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledTwoPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledThreePin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonOnePin, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonTwoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonThreePin, INPUT);


void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonOneState = digitalRead(buttonOnePin);
buttonTwoState = digitalRead(buttonTwoPin);
buttonThreeState = digitalRead(buttonThreePin);

// check if the redlight pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonOneState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledOnePin, HIGH);
} else {
// turn LED off:
digitalWrite(ledOnePin, LOW);

// check if the yellowlight pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonTwoState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledTwoPin, HIGH);
} else {
// turn LED off:
digitalWrite(ledTwoPin, LOW);

// check if the bluelight pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonThreeState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledThreePin, HIGH);
} else {
// turn LED off:
digitalWrite(ledThreePin, LOW);

//check the turn potentiometer values, map them to the bay range
potVal = analogRead(potPin); // read the value from the potentiometer
mappedPotVal = map(potVal, 0, 1023, 1, 9);

//check the slide potentiometer values, map them to the saturation range
slideVal = analogRead(slidePin);
mappedSlideVal = map(slideVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

//check switch
xState = analogRead(xPin);
yState = analogRead(yPin);
mappedXState = map(xState, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
mappedYState = map(yState, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

//check the ir values
irVal = analogRead(irPin);
mappedIrVal = map(irVal, 0, 550, 0, 8);

Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);
Serial.print(” “);

Control patch

bpatcher edits

video of working is too big sorry

heres the gist

Project 1 – Kevin Darr

I decided to make use of the MIDI Fighter 3D midi controller with built in accelerometer to control the lighting system in the Media Lab. The Fighter is being utilized as a drum machine which has kick, snare, hi-hats, crash, and a series of bass notes. The accelerometer channels control the lights as well as some digital effects on the drum machine, including distortion and reverb. When sent MIDI notes on the correct channel, the MIDI Fighter lights up on the appropriate button with color dependent on the velocity of the note. I used Ableton Live to send these MIDI messages, as well as play the samples for the drum machine. To get control and MIDI messages into Max, I used ctlin and notein objects. When tilted left or right, the MIDI Fighter as well as the overhead lights turn red based on how far the device is tilted. The same is true for forwards and backwards, but blue instead of red. The snare drum triggers a flash from the UV LEDs, and the bass notes trigger a green flash.


I had trouble screen capturing audio and video at the same time, so here is a short audio example of a drumbeat I played on the MIDI Fighter.


And here is a video of what the patch looks like, with added pwindows to imagine howthe lights in the media lab would react.

Continue reading

Project 1- Tanushree Mediratta

I took Project 1 as an opportunity to explore controlling systems using mere hand gestures. I used a leap motion device to detect my hand gestures and movements to control the different aspects of granular synthesis of an audio signal. While one hand controlled the pitch rate, grain size and speed of the synthesis, the motion of the other hand was used to choose an audio file on which the synthesis was done.

Here is a short video:

I created the main patch entirely from scratch. I used a modified sugarSynth patch as a sub-patch and also used the leap-motion patches for collecting and routing data.

This is the gist of my main patch:

This is the modified sugarSynth patch:

I modified the visual subpath and fingers subpath in the leap motion patch:

  1. Visual sub patch
  1. Fingers sub patch




Project 1: Enhance It! – Anish Krishnan

As I make a lot of videos and short films in my free time, anything related to processing videos excites me, so I really wanted to learn how to use the computer vision object built into Max. For this project I used the cv.jit.faces object to be able to alter a face in a movie by either blurring it or placing a virtual spotlight on it. First, I downscale the image to 1/5th of its original size, then convert it to greyscale, and run it through the cv.jit.faces object. I use the output matrix to determine the positions of the face and accordingly place a blurred image with an alpha layer that I made on top of the face or add a spotlight. I hope you like my project!

Original Image:

Blurred Face:

Enhanced Face/Spotlight

Google Drive Link to Code AND Necessary Media:


The code:

The helper patch “process”:

Project 1 – Sarika Bajaj

This project allows a person via the Kinect to use their hand to move around balls in a virtual ball pit. Much of this patch has been built upon some of the dp.kinect2 reference patches as well as a reference from, integrating the two by creating a kinect system that uses the closest player’s right hand to move around the main movable physics force. Most of the work in this project involved figuring out what good bounding boxes would be in the physical world and in the virtual world/how the user would actually interact with the Kinect (I wanted the output animation to be very obviously user controlled – almost painfully so). Additionally, I had some fun changing the aesthetics of the actual ball system.

Video of the system working:

Gist of code:

Assignment 4- Tanushree Mediratta

This assignment required us to use fft- an object that segregates the different frequencies a signal is composed of. So, I used Alvin Lucier’s “I am sitting in a room” audio signal and got rid of frequencies above a certain threshold. I then delayed this signal and added feedback. This added a certain villainous tone to Alvin’s voice. I also modified the patch we made in class to create an audio visualizer that visualized the audio signal before and after the fft manipulation.

The code for the main pfft~ can be found here:

The code for the sub-patch is here:

Assignment N. 4 – Jacob Randall Holmes

For this assignment I created a spectral system to be used in live performance based on a tutorial video I found on YouTube. The patch consists of a random pitch generator and a noise reduction patch linked through pfft~



Assignment 4 – Sarika Bajaj

The goal of this patch was to create a rendering that would react to the amplitude of the microphone’s input. I made this by originally looking online for a sample of a rendering tutorial I found interesting located at I originally started off with the video’s original patch, removed all the audio processing they were doing in the patch. After then playing around with the rendering part of the patch that I had kept, I changed the noise type of the rendering, as well as the scale and appearance of the rendering. During this process, I discovered the “distortion” input that this rendering originally had set to a fixed value, and decided that this was the input I wanted to be dependent on the amplitude of the audio input (as it was giving an interesting zoom effect). Thus, I wrote my pfft to be filtered and then have only the amplitude passed out which would then be scaled down to act as my distortion input.

For this example video, I simply used ambient noise as a catalyst (people walking by and talking) as I’m interested in making renderings that will use ambient noise/images from an environment in a way that is obvious yet still interesting. Unfortunately, the Youtube compression ruins the effect quite a bit, but the general visual is preserved. A Google Drive link to the video is located here:

Github Gist Here:
*** When I tested the compressed code just for checking to make sure my file was all right, for some reason the rendering just stays stationary while on my actual code it is working fine. For this reason, I also am uploading a zip file of my files, just in case something messed up on the copy compressed feature for some bizarre reason.
Zip of Files: Assignment 4 – Sarika Bajaj

Assignment 4 – Anish Krishnan

For this assignment, I used the pfft Fourier Transform object to cut out certain frequencies in an audio file that can be controlled through a slider. I combined the output audio from this with a modified version of the sound visualizer that we developed in class. By moving the slider up and down, you will notice a change in quality of the audio which is also reflected by the characteristics of the moving shapes in the visualizer.

Input Audio:

Output Audio:


Main Patch:

Frequency Gate Patch:

Sound Visualization Patch:

Assignment 4- Jonathan Namovic

For assignment 4 I took the piece “Pa Pa Papageno” from the opera The Magic Flute and separated the frequencies using a PFFT so that all frequencies within the human vocal range were allocated to one matrix and all other frequencies were allocated to another matrix.  I took these two matrices and used an altered version of the patch from class to create two groups of shapes, green polyhedrons and red cubes. The red cubes fluctuate in size with the orchestra, and the green polyhedrons fluctuate with the opera singers.