Toy selection and preliminary plan due February 6
Manufacturing web pages due February 15
CAD drawings due February 22
Manufactured toys due March 6
Web page documenting final toy due March 27
For Project 2, each team will manufacture one of their toy concepts. In class on February 6, I will ask each team to tell me which toy you plan to manufacture, what processes you plan to use, what each person on the team plans to do, and when your internal deadlines are. You will have time during class on 2/6 to put your plan together.
Manufacturing processes available on campus
To get a better idea of the manufacturing facilities on campus, each team will create a WordPress page that
- describes how the assigned process works
- links to online resources (e.g. YouTube videos of the process in action)
- provides information about where the process is available on campus and how to gain access
When you create your page, be sure that the page title includes the name of the process and that the parent page is this assignment page.
CAD files of parts
For this part of Project 2, each student needs to generate a CAD file of one component of the toy that will be manufactured by the team. If your toy doesn’t have enough parts or a CAD file is infeasible for some reason, then a CAD drawing of a part of another toy is acceptable.
Manufactured toys
Each team should bring its manufactured toy (or as much of the toy that’s ready) to class on Tuesday March 6. I am only expecting the mechanical parts of the toy for this deadline. If your team is planning to add electronics, that isn’t due yet.
Web report on toy manufacture
Each team should create a web page that includes a picture and description of your toy , as well as a description of how each part was made. Email me (sfinger) the CAD drawings, but if you want to include them on your web page, just include screenshots; cad files tend to be large and don’t display in html.
Ordering parts for Project 2
Fill out the class order form to request parts. I will send the requests to the IDeATe purchasers on Friday morning every week.