Class notes 29 Sep 2020 – start kinetics


A10 dates updated on blog

reminder, campus is closed after Thanksgiving

looking for parts, try octopart search engine:

do people want 3d prints or lasercuts or both?

Discuss reading of Make It So chapters

Start Kinetic discussion

size of physical control vs. input

size of physical control vs. output

tactile controls are great for fine control/refinement/detailed feedback

but can get lost in the shuffle — NASA controls are laid out based on the physical design of the space shuttle

or can be stylistic / skeumorphic. Why does a Starfleet vessel have touchscreens (LCARS) everywhere but the warp engines are driven by an 19th century ship’s throttle?

MIX MECHANICAL AND OTHER CONTROLS WHERE APPROPRIATE Mechanical controls are better for some uses, though they can’t as easily serve multiple functions. Nonmechanical controls, like touch-screen buttons, are easier to change into other controls but don’t offer the same kind of haptic feedback, making them impossible to identify without looking at them and creating questions about whether they’ve been actuated. Design interfaces with an appropriate combination that best fits the various uses and characteristics.

look at inputs for kinetic outputs

median vs. mean

std devs see wiki for details:

how to read complex sensors over serial protocols: I2C, SPI, MIDI

look at data smoothing / filtering

simple smoothing:

break down the types of kinetic interaction

focusing on output

– vibration

– thumps, pokes

– temperature? peltier boards

– symbols: Braille

Then over time

– signal encodings, morse

– pattern recognition: what does walk feel like? Run? Crying? Laughing?

– earthquake pattern recognition

– meaning generated by content that changes over time, poetry

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