Kinetic Interaction Examples

These “music gloves” by Imogen Heat help users to create music much more seamlessly and in the moment than using a keyboard or soundboard. By just moving hands up and down, left and right, tilting, pinching fingers, and pointing the user can change the volume, pitch, tone, and filtering.


This “Kinetic Wall” by Cupra changes shape so that where the user is looking moves from wall panels to windows to glimpse behind the wall.

This “Bloomframe” window at the push of a button will transform from a window to an open air balcony.

The”Sharifi-ha House” is a house that will open or close rooms based on the season/temperature. When it is warm out, the rooms will be very open and get a lot of natural light and air while when it is cold, the house will close itself so that the minimal air is leaked. It can also be changed by users choice, but the website didn’t really specify this.

Actually Press Start for Your Laundry/Dryer


I was having a lot of trouble coming up with something for this crit, but thankfully (at least for me) one of my housemates had forgotten to click start on the dryer and when she went to get her clothes an hour later, they of course were still wet. With our oven, I’ve forgotten to press start multiple times since moving in a month ago and the setup is literally just inputting the baking temperature. Thankfully, it beeps a few times to let me know that I never actually pressed start. If I were deaf, listening to music, or there was a lot of noise coming in from outside though, this wouldn’t help at all. When it comes to doing laundry, simply not pressing start can be a huge drain of time. However, this crucial last step is so easy to forget in even the smallest pre-steps like inputting a baking time, but especially so for laundry considering it takes a decent amount of time to load clothes.  For washing and drying clothes, a visual notification would save a ton of time and would ensure that as long as you aren’t blind, you will know you forgot to press start regardless of your ability to hear.

Proposed Solution:

My proposed solution is to notify the user to press start with an obnoxiously flashing LED strip along the walk away from the machine so as to catch their attention easily. The device would only light the LED strip if a few conditions are met so that energy isn’t wasted and the user who loads clothes slower than an arbitrary average isn’t unnecessarily annoyed. First, clothes would have to be loaded into the machine. This could be detected by a broken IR beam at the bottom middle of the machine. Secondly, the lid must be closed. Rather than use a tilt sensor which would limit this to machines with lids that are vertical when open and horizontal when closed, I’ve chose a photo resistor as the inside of the machine will be dark when closed. Finally, the notification will only occur if the user has walked a few steps away from the machine, detected by an ultrasonic ranger, as there’s no need for it if they are standing right in front of it and very well may not have forgotten. If they’ve walked out of the room, here signified by a time elapsed and no return in front of the machine, the LED strip automatically turns off.

Proof of Concept:

This shows the intended use where in the user sees the flashing LEDs and goes back to press start.

This shows how nothing happens if the start button is pressed to begin with.

This shows how the lights turn off if you’ve left.

This shows how nothing will happen if the lid is closed but nothing is in the machine.

Photoresistor and IR breakbeam sensor in box

My Circuit

const int IRpin = 3;
int IRstate;

const int buttonPin = 10;
int buttonPressed = 0;

#include <PololuLedStrip.h>
PololuLedStrip<13> ledStrip;//LED in pin 7
const int LEDPIN = 13;
const int LED_COUNT = 10;//in full project would be a lot longer strip of LEDs
rgb_color red[LED_COUNT];
rgb_color black[LED_COUNT];

#include <NewPing.h>
int triggerPin = 12;
int echoPin = 11;
int maxDistance = 400;
NewPing sonar(triggerPin, echoPin, maxDistance);

int photoPin = A5;

void setup() {
  pinMode(IRpin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(IRpin, HIGH); 
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(photoPin, INPUT);


void loop() {
  IRstate = digitalRead(IRpin);
  int photoVal = analogRead(photoPin);
  int distance = sonar.ping_cm();
  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
                black[i] = rgb_color(0, 0, 0);
              ledStrip.write(black, LED_COUNT);
  if (IRstate == LOW) {//broken
    if (photoVal < 150) {//lid closed
      if (digitalRead(buttonPin)) {
        buttonPressed = 1;
      if (not buttonPressed) {
        if (distance > 10) { //would've done 91cm, ~3ft for real thing
          static int startTime = millis();
          if (millis() - startTime < 7000) {//7s for demo, but would be about 30 for actual thing
            static int blinkStart = millis();
            for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {//this rotates through each LED on the strip so that each one will be red
              byte x = millis() - 20 * i;
              red[i] = rgb_color(255 - x, 0, 0);
            ledStrip.write(red, LED_COUNT);
            if (millis() - blinkStart >= 10) {
              for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
                black[i] = rgb_color(0, 0, 0);
              ledStrip.write(black, LED_COUNT);
              blinkStart = millis();

LED Status Thermometer


A regular thermometer will beep to tell you that it is done taking your temperature. This is a problem for the deaf who in order to know it was done, would have to stare at the display and look for when the temperature stays constant. This would cause the person to go cross eyed and be highly unrealistic. Furthermore, impatient people are often tempted to take the thermometer out of their mouth early to make sure that it is working as it can sometimes feel like it’s taking forever to take a temperature. Other than the a fore-mentioned cross-eyed staring at numbers, this person has no idea how close the thermometer is to being done.

Proposed Solution:

In order to give more feedback to everyone and allow deaf people to easily know that the thermometer is done taking their temperature, I propose a thermometer that has an RGB LED attached to it at about eye level. This device would be red when they first put the thermometer in their mouth, turn yellow as the temperature got closer to leveling out, and finally turn green when the temperature was found. The colors would clearly show both when to take the thermometer out of the mouth and what stage it was at solving the problem for both deaf and impatient people.

Proof of concept:

In this demo video, I used a thermistor to represent the thermometer temperature sensor and my fingers to represent the temperature of my body. This is not a super accurate way to measure temperature, so I made the acceptable temperature ranges for it being done bigger than it would be for a real thermometer.

Quick mock-up of what it could look like in shape

A quick video demonstration for my proof of concept:

One note for others: If your phone has a good camera and you have it default to the best setting, make sure to change it to a much worse one for these proof of concept videos as the file will be huge and take forever to get saved to drive and won’t be uploadable as the max is 16MB.


Make It So Forward-Chapter 3 Thoughts

Make It So’s premise of using sci-fi movies and TV shows to inform real-life interface devices is an extremely interesting and useful lens to view these works! I definitely agree that while not always that realistic, sci-fi is widely creative when it comes to technology and so many ideas from them can be used to derive new devices and interactions.

Many of the trends and lessons brought up articulated feelings I’ve had while watching sci-fi, but never took the time to group and think further on. The move to and away from mechanical controls as well as the seamless coupling of them is something on screen that is reflected in our own lives when we look at the evolution of phones especially. Thinking back, most sci-fi things that I’ve watched have glowing screens often with blue and so I automatically think of the feature shown as advanced when I see this; there’s something about glowing that just makes it seem so much cooler. The use of command line and text based computer control, usually in green, is so ubiquitous that when seen it is an easy assumption to know that someone is hacking into something even without any context. I’ve often seen interface layers for heads up displays and holographic boards, but without the glowing effect, it doesn’t quite invoke the feeling of advanced technology for me anymore from its repeated use because fully manipulable holographic 3D displays have been shown in quite a few things now. To me when done with a cascading 3D effect, file management systems can look futuristic, while  2 1/2 D designs actually make an interface look older. The connections and lessons pointed out so far in this book are fascinating and I look forward to reading more of it:)

A Truly Smart Doorbell


Smart Doorbell’s have been around since 2013 and have improved in features over the years, but don’t utilize the range of technological advancements that we have today. Smart Doorbells have the ability to notify the owner and show video of who is at the door when the bell is rung and when motion is detected as well as store recordings to the cloud; many have two-way audio communication wherein the owner and the visitor can speak to each other; and some allow the owner to unlock the door. None of these features take much advantage of automatic responses.

Proposed Solution:

A true Smart Doorbell would be able to do all of the above features and be much more customizable. It would be able to do different actions based on both who is at the door and who is home. Given a set of pictures of approved people, such as family members and really close friends, the Smart Doorbell would be able to automatically unlock the door for them and others who are only allowed automatic entry if certain people are at home and during a certain time frame. It would also be able to recognize delivery people and solicitors and perform certain tasks based on what was chosen in the app. For example, different recordings can be automatically played to tell a delivery person where to leave the package and a solicitor to go away. Another option would be to mute the doorbell for certain types of solicitors. A truly Smart Doorbell would be fully customizable with the ability to have numerous preset responses to make the owners life more convenient.


Descendant short story thoughts

To me this was an intriguing but somewhat confusing story in that not much was explained fully. I wish that there were more details on the suit and what it was originally capable of, where the man is and why he went to that planet, other technology that they had on the orbital, how life was like before the war, and why they even got into the war. I understand that it is a short story for a reason, but I like having more questions answered than left in the air after reading a story. The idea of a smart suit seems like a great invention for company and help, but I wonder why there aren’t built in communication, warning, and emergency systems to automatically alert the orbital or others at war that something has gone wrong if they have something as advanced as a suit that is alive.

Skills bringing to the class (Assignment 1)

As a mechE, I have a lot of experience in fabricating things. With the remote setting and the resources I have, this won’t necessarily allow me to build amazing physical contraptions; however, I think that my experience and creativity will help me to make things that are still pretty cool even with household items. I have used Arduino quite a bit and know Python, so I have a good foundation for coding my projects. I also have used a wide variety of sensors and actuators before, so am excited to keep expanding with new things this semester and to build more complicated contraptions.