Due 11:59pm, 28 March 2018.
What is your weakest skill set in this class? Circuits? Power? p5.js?
Create a physical interaction that relies upon your weakest skill. During the review, describe how you addressed this challenge and what you learned.
48-339/739 Spring 2018
Due 11:59pm, 28 March 2018.
What is your weakest skill set in this class? Circuits? Power? p5.js?
Create a physical interaction that relies upon your weakest skill. During the review, describe how you addressed this challenge and what you learned.
If you weren’t ready for today’s crit, please present on Thursday.
Exercise: Find and investigate an interesting physical interaction project and write a paragraph or two about how it works and what you learned from your investigation.
Reminder that we have a list of resources, let me know if you’d like anything added:
Bruce Sterling talk at 5pm, 7 March, Kresge.
Bruce Sterling’s closing keynote at IXDA
Bruce Sterling: Closing Keynote from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.
William Gibson, “Neuromancer”
William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, “The Difference Engine”
K. W. Jeter, “Dr. Adder”
Use an input or output that uses a complex serial protocol on the SDA/SLC pins, tied to a p5.js sketch. Read a sensor and generate a useful or interesting interface in p5.js or use a p5.js interface to control a stepper or series of NeoPixel LEDs. [Edit: The goal here was to use SDA/SCL, if you didn’t, please use it in a future project.]
Some are totally new fabrications, others are made with random parts found in a maker space:
Use object oriented programming to visualize some sort of input, from your Arduino or from an online source (no weather nor stock prices).
Create an IFTTT sketch that does something to make your life better and that you’re willing to use for a few days. We’ll work with IFTTT on a future assignment.
Intro to object oriented programming and p5.js