
To What Extent Can NFT Alters the Business Framework in Arts Enterprise?

NFT is the abbreviation for the non-fungible token which means that it can’t be replaced. If placing the NFT concept in the art world, it actually shares similar value as authentic artworks, as both of them mean that it is the only edition of work in the world. For example, Mona Lisa is the only […]

Rabbit Hole #2

Privacy for the Arts in a Digital Age

This piece explores how individuals and organizations in arts enterprises can maintain better privacy and data protection for themselves and their clients using existing technology and techniques.


The Tao of DAO

Introduction:  DAO!, it stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, a term you might hear out of the pages of anarchist science fiction novel. A group of individuals convene over the internet, discuss a communal goal over a Discord server, then pool their funds for collective action of unprecedented scale. DAO’s have been used to acquire rare […]

Rabbit Hole #2 Uncategorized

NFTs, Ownership, and Art Theft

Emily Ratajkowski minted an NFT called “Buying Myself Back.” The NFT was sold by Christie’s Auction House for $175,000. The swimsuit image of Ratajkowski is from Sports Illustrated, which owns the image. The Instagram post wall hanging is actually a piece by artist Richard Prince, who Ratajkowski criticized for stealing her image without permission. The […]


Online Music Collaboration Tools: How are they changing the rehearsal and performance space post COVID-19?

The impact of COVID-19 on music making During the COVID-19 pandemic, many who were able to began to work from home or work remotely as a safety precaution. A survey conducted by Apollo Technical suggests that in may 2020, over 26% of the employed worked from home and over the course of the pandemic, that […]


Trending Experience for museums and art: Utilize AR Applications!

What is AR? How is it different from VR? Augmented reality (AR) is realized as one of the most revolutionary technologies in the 21st century. Based on the development of emergent display, tracking systems, and computing imaging, AR is no longer a sci-fi concept. Compared to the experience with virtual reality (VR), where we are […]

Rabbit Hole #1

How Can Technologies Help with Culture Heritage’s Restoration and Preservation?

In 2019, Microsoft announced its AI for Cultural Heritage program, aiming to preserve and treasure people, places, and historical artifacts through AI technology and collaboration with cultural nonprofit organizations. “Preserving cultural heritage isn’t something that is solely nice to have or nice to do, it’s sometimes imperative to the well-being of the world’s societies.” – […]

Rabbit Hole #1

How do immersive experiences play a role in fashion labels today?

Intro: Our world is becoming increasingly digital – in the past year, the metaverse and NFTs have become a household buzzword, causing a massive “gold rush” into developing bleeding-edge innovation surrounding immersive experiences. Augmented Reality (AR) focuses on blending the physical and digital worlds together in cohesive experiences. AR overlays digital elements on top of […]

Rabbit Hole #1

3D Printing—Bringing Theatre to Life in a New Way

Many industries have begun utilizing 3D printing to make work easier and more efficient. This technology is even making its way into the arts. Broadway theatres, university theatre departments, and theatres everywhere are implementing 3D printing technologies to construct props, and even to build entire sets. 3D printing brings new elements of realism and creativity […]

Rabbit Hole #1

Exploring the World of Google Arts and Culture

Recent years have seen a rise in the number of artistic and cultural institutions that offer virtual experiences. The appeal of these alternatives to in-person attendance seems to have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Google Arts and Culture provides a mass landing space for those looking to both experience culture in a […]