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Student submissions documenting exercises, projects, and other assignments.

Final Project Progress 2: Kristie and Nick

As stated in the previous post, we envision our final project being a series of clips showing the motion of ripples expanding though a body of water. Therefore,…

Final Project Progress 2: Olivia and Evangeline

The inspiration for our project comes from the feeling of being stuck in a new shapeless, mundane routine of isolation and staying inside. We’ve decided to redefine the…

Final Project- Zhang Yu and Lucian

For the first video, both of us will make a device, based on animals’ attacking or threatening action. We will work on our own designs without telling each…

Final Project – Sommer and Julia

Project Update: 4/15/20 We’re working on a project which amplifies in intensity and complexity as it goes. It will be a battle of sorts between the two of…

Final Project Process: Gil & Alex

Process Update 4/14: Process Update 4/21:

Final Project Draft: Olivia and Evangeline

How: Using fabric and rigid materials to exaggerate movement of the body. Why: To grow outwards, to take up more space. The inspiration for our project comes from…

Progress-Danova and Sunjana

How: sequence of clips in exquisite-corps style where 2 people in separate locations appear to be interacting with the same piece of fabric that has been animated through…

Final Project- Maya and John

Checkpoint 1 For the final project, Maya and I were thinking of creating a short puppet bit. The idea is to have a heated competition between two puppets,…

Final Project – Adam x Nelly

We are planning to make capes that are similar to a peacock’s tail. We will each be making one, and they’ll reveal an interesting pattern that could stand…

Tahirah Lily – WIP

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