Virtural “Etch a Sketch”

For this assignment, I used two potentiometers to simulate the “Etch A Sketch” (Wikipedia_”Etch A Sketch”). Using two potentiometer, one controls left and right movement, and the other controls the up and down movement, the browser window is going to serve as a canvas for the “Etch A Sketch” board.


  • Parts list:
    • Potentiometer (10K)  x2
    • Adafruit M0 Metro Express
    • Bunch of jumper wires



Fritzing Sketch:


Code (Arduino Part):

const int leftRightPot = A4; //with green LED
const int upDownPot = A5; // with blue LED

const int tol = 100;

int leftRightVal = 0;
int upDownVal = 0;

int valHi = 1024;
int valLo = 0;

//Setup for Arduino to run
void setup() {
 // put your setup code here, to run once:
 pinMode(leftRightPot , INPUT);
 pinMode(upDownPot, OUTPUT);


//The operating loop
void loop() {
 // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 leftRightVal = reMapped(analogRead(leftRightPot));
 upDownVal = reMapped(analogRead(upDownPot));

// Serial.print("leftRightVal = ");
 // Serial.println(leftRightVal);

//Modified from class Note 5

//function used to remap input value into one
int reMapped(int input){
 int output = map(input,0,1023,0,255);
 return output;


Code (js part):

var cnv;
var serial;
var portName = 'COM4';
var dataRead;
 //@TODO : find out what port name it is

//Here are some global variables:
//@TODO: Figure out how to make them function in OOP
var curPosX = 0;
var curPosY = 0;
var leftRightVal = 255/2;
var upDownVal = 255/2;

const rightUpThresh = 150;
const leftDownThresh = 100;

var xPoint=[];
var yPoint=[];

// ****************
//Basic setup for serial port and canvas
function setup(){
 serial = new p5.SerialPort();
 // now set a number of callback functions for SerialPort
 serial.on('list', printList);
 serial.on('connected', serverConnected);
 serial.on('open', portOpen);
 serial.on('data', serialEvent);
 serial.on('error', serialError);
 serial.on('close', portClose);


//Here is canvas setup
 createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

var x = (windowWidth - width)/2;
 var y = (windowHeight - height)/2 ;

 background ("white");

//Put drawing functions in here
function draw() {
 // put drawing code here

//click mouse and reset the drawing point
function mouseSetPt(){
 //get the point where the mouse clicks
 var mouseClickX = mouseX;
 var mouseClickY = mouseY;

//update the point in the array
 xPoint = xPoint + [mouseClickX];
 yPoint = yPoint + [mouseClickY];

//update the current/new position to start
 curPosX = xPoint[xPoint.length-1];
 curPosY = yPoint[yPoint.length-1];


//use potentiometer to draw (only moving left/right and up/down)
function drawWithPot(){
//@TODO: find a better way to store tese values, like tuples?

//check right and left
 if (leftRightVal >= rightUpThresh){
 curPosX = curPosX + 1;
 else if (leftRightVal <= leftDownThresh){
 curPosX = curPosX - 1;

//check up and down
 if (upDownVal >= rightUpThresh){
 curPosY = curPosY + 1;
 else if (upDownVal <= leftDownThresh){
 curPosY = curPosY - 1;

//update the position list
 var prePosX = xPoint[xPoint.length-1];
 var prePosY = yPoint[yPoint.length-1];

if (curPosX != prePosX || curPosY != prePosY){
 xPoint = xPoint + [curPosX]
 yPoint = yPoint + [curPosY]


//Draw all the points that is saved in the array
function drawPts(){
 for ( i = 0; i < xPoint.length ; i++){
 var xPointPos = xPoint[i];
 var yPointPos = yPoint[i];
 point(xPointPos, yPointPos);

//All server related
function printList(portList) {
 // for (var i = 0; i < portList.length; i++) {
 // print(i + " " + portList[i]);
 // }

function serverConnected()

function portOpen()

function serialEvent(){

var strRead = serial.readStringUnil('\r\n');

if (strRead.length > 0 ) {
 var potStr = split(strRead, ',');

if (potStr.length == 4) { // ignore any tiny strings
 leftRightVal = potStr[1];
 upDownVal = potStr[3];


function serialError(err)
 print('serialError ' + err);

function portClose()


Zip -Etch A Sketch

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