Nathan Shedroff’s definition of interaction tweaked by me. (I’m not sure from where I cut-and-pasted this.)
- Duration: Initiation, Immersion, Conclusion, and Continuation. (I would include “memory” in this, that’s part of the duration of an event.)
- Intensity: Reflex, Habit, Engagement
- Breadth: Products, Services, Brands, Nomenclatures, Channels/Environment/Promotion, and Price
- Interaction: Passive < > Active < > Interactive (I would say “aggressive” goes after “interactive.)
- Triggers: Human Senses, Concepts, and Symbols (Swastikas in post WWII western countries vs. maps in Japan.)
- Significance: Meaning, Status, Emotion, Price, and Function (How does an interaction compare to a static physical entity?)