The following is a general template for the final report, which is to be delivered as a blog post. The final video is the most important element, but we also need it to be supported by a few paragraphs of reflection on the outcome. The following outline is intended to communicate our priorities rather than specify a strict format.
Video. Please embed the video directly at the top of the page, then follow it with the text. Please make sure you provide us with a downloadable final video file using a H.264 codec, square pixels (e.g. 1920×1080), at around 15 mbps. You may bring it to us on a hard drive or via a download URL.
Project Title
- Authors..
- Submission Date
Provide a brief paragraph summarizing the overall goals and results.
State your goals, and discuss what specific features are within scope for the project.
Discuss your design choices.
Discuss the successes and failures of your choices.
Please provide a clear statement of each author’s individual contribution to the outcomes.
- Photo Documentation
Provide captioned photos which highlight notable elements of production process . Please consider the purpose of each photo and write a caption which helps the reader understand your intent. -
Please provide references or links to related work.
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