Calendar Notes:
- Midnight, March 8: Deadline to apply to be an Eyeo Festival Student Volunteer
- 5pm Friday, March 20: Amelia Winger-Bearskin (artist/organizer) lecture at the STUDIO
- 5pm Thursday, March 26: Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne (artists) lecture at the STUDIO
- Saturday, March 28: Data Scraping for Creative Practices workshop by Sam Lavigne
- Saturday, March 28: Pittsburgh Processing Community Day
- 5pm Wednesday, April 1: Jaap Blonk (experimental composer) lecture/performance at the STUDIO
- 5pm Monday, April 6: Georgina Voss (artist) lecture at the STUDIO
- 5pm Friday, April 24: Grant David Taylor and Charissa Terranova (computer art historians) lectures at the STUDIO
- What’s something you do that is distinctive?
- Introduction to Project 2: Person in Time
- For example: the person does something non-generic (tutting)
- For example: the person is generic, but something distinctive happens (subway step)
- For example: the person does something generic, but we see it in a new way (VFSS)
- …Ideally, an experimental capture technique helps capture, reveal, or provide a new perspective on one of the above.
- Lectures on Time:
- Lecture: Expanded Body
- Lecture: Slow-Motion (continued)
- Homework: Three (Draft) Ideas, in a blog post — due Thursday 5 March
- Exit Ticket for March 3 (below)
- Brief guest presentation: Phillip Tiongson from Potion Design