L2LYM – art gallery

Make a gallery of the art in your parents’ boyfriend’s house.

I’m now in Burlington, VT, staying with my boyfriend and his roommates. It’s great & helpful to be able to spend this time with someone I love.

But we haven’t spent this much time together in a long time, and it’s weird and new and challenging to say the least.

All the art in his house is slightly crooked (lol). We got a good laugh out of that the other day, and decided that it felt like a Wes Anderson movie or something, where all the decor is just slightly off. There’s a vase on the mantle, but it’s empty. There are a couple plants, but they’ve definitely been neglected. It’s kind of cozy, but kind of incomplete; kind of home-y, but kind of unsettling. It’s a good match for how I feel.