Course Profile

Key Topics
What are the key subject topics that this course will cover?

  • Experimental and expanded reality capture techniques including photogrammetry, volumetric video, motion capture, multispectral imaging, machine vision, and more.

Prerequisite Knowledge
What prior knowledge must students have in order to be successful in this course?

  • Familiarity with digital video, image, and audio workflows for recording and distribution.
  • Scripting/coding is helpful but not required; students who are inexperienced in coding should be prepared to fake it.

Course Relevance
How is this course relevant to the targeted student populations?

This course is relevant to students who are interested in:

  • Exploring the affordances of exotic, forgotten, and nascent image capture technologies in revealing unseen or alternative realities
  • Exploring the use of computation in expanding our expressive vocabulary for representations of people, objects, environments, and events
  • Questioning the practical and epistemological assumptions that underpin the project of capturing representations of reality with devices

Course Goals
What are the overall goals of this course that students will achieve after completing it?

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and identify the use of expanded capture techniques in popular and experimental media.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the scientific principles and/or engineering foundations underlying such techniques, in revealing phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary human perception.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the poetic and elucidative potentials of such techniques, and their application to the production of expressive and provocative new culture.
  • Command the practical use of one or more such techniques.

Assessment Structure
How will students be assessed in this course: assignments, exams, final, presentation, project, etc.?

  • There are two main assignments due at approximately monthly intervals, and a Capstone project with a proposal, check-in, and public exhibition phase.

Learning Resources
What resources will be available for students: web pages, learning applications, texts, case studies, etc.?

  • Available resources include specialized hardware, GitHub repositories, and a course web site.

Extra Time Commitments
Are there extra time commitments required outside of the regularly scheduled course meeting times?

  • No.

Course Tags
Keywords referencing general topics and/or course structure. 

  • IDeATe
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Lab Component
  • Research
  • Maker