- Welcome & Announcements
- Sign up for Natural Dye Workshop (optional)
- In-class: Weaving Critique:
- Set up Weavings
- Discuss Critique process
- Write Reflections
- Critique Weavings
- Homework (below)
- Exit Ticket (below)
- Sign-up for the Natural Dye Workshop. (optional)

- More info on the workshop here.
- 2-part natural dyeing workshop, also optional but must attend both portions of workshop.
- Part 1: Friday, Oct. 15 – 1-4pm
- Part 2: Saturday, Oct. 23 – 1-4pm
- Set up Weavings
- Do this when you arrive in class / ideally before class starts
- Discuss Critique process
- Why do we critique?
- What is useful in a discussion? What is counter-productive in a discussion?
- Write Reflections
- Use this worksheet to write down your reflections about one weaving in class. You will turn in the worksheet at the end of class.
- Weaving Reflection worksheet
- Critique Weavings
The following are due Tues., Oct. 19::
- Document your weaving by creating a post on this website about your weaving project. Categorize your post under “Tapestry Weavings”. Your post should include:
- Images: Using the “tiles” block, upload at an image of your full weaving and at least 2 close-up images showing more details of your weaving.
- Written reflection: Write a few paragraphs about your weaving. Include writing about:
- your process for conceptualizing and making your weaving
- what worked well and why you think it worked well
- what you would improve or change and why
- what you learned through this project and what you might take from this project with you into future projects
- Five directions: write about five directions you could take this project if you were to turn it into a series with other iterations. Optional: you are welcome to upload an illustration of your five directions.
- Upload your Textile Talk Bibliography & Outline & Scanned Image to this google drive folder. Refer to the Textile Talk assignment page for details.