- Welcome & Announcements
- In-class:
- Critique Encoded Cloth projects
- Introduce Independent Project
- Independent Project – Past Student Examples slideshow
- Homework (below)
- Exit Ticket (below)
Next Tuesday, Nov. 23 we will have another demo for another process. Help select which process that by voting for one of these three:
- Hand embroidery and applique
- Computerized embroidery
- Sewn Shibori/Resists and Indigo dyeing
- Critique Encoded Cloth projects
- Introduce Independent Project (final project)
- Independent Project – Past Student Examples slideshow
The following are due at the beginning of class on Tues., Nov. 23:
- Document your Encoded Cloth by creating one post (as a group) on this website. Categorize your post under “Encoded Cloth from the Future”. Your post should include:
- Images: Using the “tiles” block, upload at an image of your full project and at least 2 close-up images showing more details of your project.
- Written reflection: Write a few paragraphs about your project. Include writing about:
- your process for conceptualizing and making your weaving
- what worked well and why you think it worked well
- what you would improve or change and why
- what you learned through this project and what you might take from this project with you into future projects
- Create a proposal about the direction you are taking your project. Upload your proposal as a blog post on this website in the category labeled Independent Project. Include in your proposals the following:
- three developed sketches or collages of your idea
- a paragraph that states the core concept
- a paragraph that articulates your choice of materials
- a practical timeline for your project.