
What are the potential uses and things to consider for NFTs in the Arts Museum field?

Hedy Zhang  May 1, 2022 A Non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items, and videos. As NFTs dominate the digital art discourse, art and cultural organizations have been experimenting and exploring the format. NFT does bring some opportunities and complexities for art institutions, galleries, and museums […]

Rabbit Hole #2

Does NFT Actually Provide A Brighter Future for Visual Artists?

NFTs, with the full name of non-fungible tokens, are popular these days around the globe. Unlike Bitcoin, NFTs are unique digital assets and each has a digital signature that allows NFTs to be “exchanged for or equal to one another”. The most expensive NFT until now is Everydays: The First 5000 Days by Beeple, originally […]

Rabbit Hole #2

How would NFT Delineate the Future of Music Industry

Technology has always been a really big part of the music business, and has really dictated how we make music, how we consume music.” —— Kristin Robinson, Billboard‘s music publishing reporter Today, NFT probably is no longer a foreign term to many. The digital assets stored on a blockchain have now made their way everywhere, […]

Rabbit Hole #2

Successful NFT Collections Offer More Than Art

The NFT Market – Why talk about it? To put it simply, nonfungible tokens (NFTs), are assets one can buy on the blockchain. In the arts administration space, the debate about the role of NFTs in our scope is alive and well. On one hand, there is the argument that NFTs are a new frontier […]

Rabbit Hole #2 Uncategorized

The Great White Way Paved in Blockchain

Blockchain, while a relatively new concept, is becoming more common to hear about in the media and news. You may have heard recently Snoop Dogg revealed himself as the Twitter-famous NFT influencer, Cozomo de’ Medici or Tesla started accepting Dogecoin payments for some of their merchandise, but most people are still wary of this technology […]

Rabbit Hole #1

Billion Dollar Profile Picture Art: Social Value of NFT

NFT is named the word of 2021, by Collins Dictionary due to its rapid growth. NFT market has raised from 94.9 million in 2020 to 41 billion in 2021. And the use of the term increased 11,000% in 2021. Although the stunning number seems to be a blowing bubble, NFT might have some social value […]

Rabbit Hole #1 Uncategorized

NFTs: Digital Renaissance or Death Knell of Traditional Art?

The hype around non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seems to be reaching a fever pitch. With news of certain digital art pieces selling for tens of millions of dollars and conjecture about what utility these tokens may have outside of the art world, for better or for worse, Web3 has arrived. These technological developments aren’t just demonstrating […]

Rabbit Hole #1

Art Theft and NFTs

It is fitting that the quote I intended to open this article with is impossible to attribute to any one person. “Good artists copy, great artists steal” or some similar wording has been associated with artists and “creatives” such as Steve Jobs, Pablo Picasso, T. S. Eliot, Igor Stravinsky, and William Faulkner. I can think […]